This Is On You

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The medical bay looked like a war zone, the floor was slick with blood and there was medical equipment and dressings scattered all around from where Dr Cho and her team had raced against time to do what they could to save Sharon. As soon as Steve had found Sharon, he had raced back to the quinjet with her, Nat and Sam had stayed behind to finish the mission without him. 

Steve sat in one of the chairs in the waiting area of the medical bay, his head in his hands as he waited for any news from Dr Cho. Nat had called him earlier as her and Sam had been heading to the Raft, they had got both Petrov and Stein. She had said it hadn't been a pretty end to a mission but they'd managed to set off the explosive charge that Sharon had managed to set and it had done enough damage. 

Hearing footsteps approaching, Steve looked up. Tony was walking toward him, Morgan in his arms and Pepper following at his side. Steve hadn't wanted to interrupt Tony's time with his family but Tony would need to help him figure out what they were going to do next. 

"Right Morgan, you are going to go with your mom and get a snack whilst I have a chat with Uncle Steve, okay?" Tony smiled at Morgan as he put her down. 

"Can I go and see Y/N and Aunt Wanda?" Morgan asked looking up at Tony and Pepper. 

"They're not back yet sweetie, but as soon as they are you'll be the first to know" Tony told her with a wink, before Pepper took Morgan's hand and led her away from the medical bay. 

Tony waited until Pepper and Morgan had turned round the corner. 

"What's the situation then?" Tony asked as he took a seat next to Steve. 

"There's no update yet, Dr Cho is still working to find the source of the internal bleeding. Nat and Sam are on their way back from the Raft now" Steve explained as he leaned back in the seat, feeling like this had been his fault for only taking the four of them on the mission. 

"Has anyone spoken to Y/N yet? She won't forgive us if Sharon doesn't pull through this" Tony sighed as he reached for his cell phone. 

"No I thought it best to wait until we had some news, but yeah you're probably right we need to tell her now" Steve nodded, they had done everything to ensure that Y/N and Wanda would be left alone but now there wasn't any choice. 

"Alright, I'll make the call. Let me know if anything changes here" Tony said as he stood up, scrolling through his phone until he got to Y/N's number. 


Y/N stepped back and admired the sandcastle she had built, it had taken her the best part of an hour and Wanda had tried to hold in her laughter each time Y/N had knocked a part of it down and had to start again. 

"What do you think baby?" Y/N asked, looking over her shoulder at where Wanda was laying on a blanket. 

"Mmm it's not too bad, I think I could build a better one though" Wanda said with a slight grin as she sat up. 

"Pft I would like to see you try, mines got a moat!" Y/N laughed pointing at the sandcastle. 

Wanda sat up, lifting her hand she summoned her magic and after a few moments a sandcastle twice the size of Y/N's appeared, complete with towers and flags. Y/N glanced between the two sandcastle, hers now suddenly looking like a child had built it and she frowned as she walked over to Wanda. 

"Okay that doesn't get to count, you used magic and that is an unfair advantage" Y/N said with a huff as she dropped down onto the blanket beside Wanda. 

"You never said there was rules about sandcastle building" Wanda teased as she leaned in and kissed Y/N's lips that were pressed into a pout. 

"Kissing me to win me over is also not fair..." Y/N muttered against Wanda's lips as she wrapped her arms around Wanda's waist and lifted her onto her lap. 

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