Not The Plan

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Y/N smiled a little to herself as she looked out the window and saw Yelena and Kate out back. They had set up some sort of obstacle course, which Yelena had claimed was in preparation for when Morgan got there, so she could play on it, but from what Y/N could see Yelena and Kate were now embroiled in a competition of seeing who could complete it fastest. 

"Are the over grown children behaving?" Wanda asked as she walked into the kitchen, joining Y/N by the window. 

"Depends on how we are defining behaving, Yelena defitnetly just tripped Kate up on purpose but then Kate did also throw something at Yelena's hand back on the second obstacle" Y/N laughed softly as she turned around and slipped her arms around Wanda's waist. 

"If they break any bones, you're looking after them" Wanda warned before smiling. 

"That seems fair" Y/N nodded, "You look extremely beautiful today by the way."

"If that's you trying to convince me to talk to Nat when she gets here that is a hard no. You're the one that let Yelena come and hide here with her new friend, you can explain that to Nat" Wanda laughed as she lent up and kissed Y/N's cheek. 

Glancing at the clock hanging on the wall, Y/N knew that the others were due to arrive anytime now to begin celebrating Christmas Eve. Which meant she was going to have to come up with a half decent explanation to try and sell Nat to avoid any sibling fights breaking out during the festivities. 

"Totally wasn't what I was trying to do at all. I just wanted to let my wife know how beautiful she is and that I love you so much" Y/N smiled warmly as she held Wanda. 

"Did the presents arrive for the others?" Wanda asked as she lent against Y/N. 

"Yup I have wrapped them all and they are ready to be handed out once everyone is here later on" Y/N nodded, she was beyond excited to see everyones reactions when they opened them. 

"Try not to give it away before then. I know what you're like with surprises" Wanda laughed as she sensed Y/N's overwhelming excitement. 

"I promise that I will do my best to keep it in until then. But hey can you blame me for wanting to share the joy?" Y/N said as she slid one of her hands to rest gently on Wanda's stomach. 

Before Wanda could reply the sound of knocking on the door interrupted the moment. Y/N pressed a kiss to Wanda's forehead before going to open the door, hoping that she would catch Nat in a good mood to break the news about Kate to her. 

Opening the door, Y/N smiled brightly when she found all of her friends gathered on the porch. Morgan was sitting on Tony's shoulders waving a stuffed snowman around, Sam and Bucky had mountains of presents in their arms, Vision had clearly lost a bet and was wearing a santa hat, Steve was holding more presents, whilst Bruce had clearly been put in charge of the food and held multiple bags. That left Nat and Clint who were both at the back of the group, they gave Y/N a look and she knew that the pair of them were clearly aware already of what had happened. 

"Hey everyone! Come on in, make yourselves comfortable, presents can go under the tree and Wanda will help you with all that food in the kitchen Bruce" Y/N said as she gestured for them to all come inside. 

"The place looks amazing Y/N, great work" Steve smiled as he looked around the place. 

"Yeah you really did good Y/N, can we come and live here instead of the compound?" Bucky grinned as Tony rolled his eyes at the dig. 

"You'll have to fight with Yelena for space in the attic" Y/N laughed, "Morgan that is such a cool snowman, fancy building a real one later?" 

"But there isn't any snow" Morgan replied with a small pout. 

"Good thing I know someone whose magical and can whip us up a little bit of snow" Y/N grinned as she helped Morgan down from Tony's shoulders. 

"Building snowmen is just going to have to wait a little longer, is it alright if I borrow Aunt Y/N for a bit Morgan?" Nat asked glancing at Y/N who gave her a sheepish smile. 

"Yes but please let Y/N come and play in the snow later" Morgan nodded before going off to look at the christmas tree. 

Y/N sighed and nodded at Nat before leading her into the office that was down the hallway from the living area. Clint followed behind them both. Once the door was closed behind them, Y/N lent against the desk and waited for Nat to talk.

"Want to tell me why my sister has been ignoring my calls for the last twenty-four hours?" Nat asked clearly unimpressed about what was going on. 

"Look Nat I'm sorry I didn't say anything to you but Yelena made me promise to wait until you got here. She got into a spot of trouble and needed somewhere safe for Kate to stay and I mean where is safer than a house full of Avengers?" Y/N explained but could tell it wasn't going to be enough to stop Nat from being pissed off. 

"That was not the plan, that was never part of the mission I sent Yelena on. She was meant to just monitor the situation and not get involved with Kate. I told her not to mess this up" Nat replied shaking her head. 

"I get that but how many missions have we gone on where things don't go exactly to plan? Plus Yelena didn't have a choice, Kate was being attacked, would you want Yelena to just sit back and do nothing?" Y/N argued, "Come on Nat what is the real issue here?" 

"Kate got into things that are dangerous all because she wants to be an Avenger. She kind of idolises me, which I told her was not a good thing" Clint spoke now from where he'd sat down, "We put a lot of work in to make her safe." 

Y/N looked between Clint and Nat, still not getting what they were so angry about. 

"The last time someone joined our team, someone who had the choice to lead a normal life it was you, Y/N. And look what happened, look at everything that you went through because of being part of the Avengers" Nat spoke with a sadness in her voice, "We were trying to avoid a similar thing happening again with Kate, she has her whole life ahead of her, one where she could be normal and safe. Clint and I tried to take care of everything and leave Kate there and discourage her from this kind of life."

Sighing Y/N paced round to the other side of the desk, looking out the window at the forest that surrounded the property. She could understand why Nat felt the way she did but Y/N didn't like seeing her best friend holding onto all the guilt for the things that had happened to her. 

"Sometimes things are out of our control Nat and I think you could keep trying to steer Kate away from all of this but eventually you won't be able to stop her from doing what she is determined to do. Would it not be better for us to take her in and train her properly?" Y/N suggested as she spotted Kate and Yelena heading back toward the house. 

"Even after everything you've gone through you would support that decision? To bring her in and put her at risk?" Clint asked frowning slightly. 

"People are still after her, so it sounds like she's at risk either way. All I'm saying is if this is what she really wants then maybe we should give her a chance, maybe she can handle it" Y/N replied. 

"How much has Yelena bribed you to take her side on this?" Nat sighed, hating to admit that Y/N had made some valid points. 

"She brought me ten boxes of sour patch watermelons" Y/N said with a slight grin, seeing the hard look on Nat's face starting to crack, "Look it's Christmas Eve and Wanda has been fussing like mad this week to get everything perfect, so please can we save any sibling fightings until after the festivities?" 

Nat gave in and nodded. 

"Alright but I am still going to whoop her arse for not listening to me yet again" Nat added. 

"That's fine just not in my brand new house please" Y/N laughed, "Now come on let's go join the others, Wanda and I have early Christmas gifts to give you

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