Give Me Time

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Yelena could hear raised voices coming from the training room and she knew without looking that it was Nat and Carol arguing again. It's all they'd been doing recently and Yelena knew it was because Carol had to leave soon, something to do with some crisis in space and Nat was unhappy about it.

So far Yelena had respected her sisters privacy but it was becoming increasingly frustrating when the pair of them weren't exactly keeping their arguments private. Yelena was pretty sure there wasn't a single person in the compound who hadn't heard at least one of the arguments.

Peering through the door of the training room, Yelena saw them stood at the far end near the the row of punching bags. Deciding enough was enough, Yelena pushed the door open and headed inside. The sound of the door opening stopped Nat and Carol mid argument, both of them turning round to see who it was.

"Yelena sorry can you just give us five minutes and then we'll be out of here" Nat said as she glanced over at Carol who didn't look like she wanted to carry on their conversation.

"No, I've had enough of listening to you two arguing this week. My girlfriend died, yeah I'm going to play that card" Yelena said, seeing the shock on both Nat and Carols faces at the mention of Lexa.

"But the pair of you are very much alive and breathing and driving each other crazy, and you yell and argue and fight, and you both should be thrilled to be able to do those things. I would give anything to be able to do those things with Lexa. None of those things though are reason enough to not be with the person that you love, especially when there just isn't enough time, there will never be enough time. So whatever it is that's coming between you two, will you just please figure it out" Yelena looked between them, fighting back her own emotions as she spoke.

Hearing what Yelena said, Nat suddenly felt ridiculous for having these arguments with Carol and she knew that Yelena was right, they'd all lost people over the years and it should have taught them by now that time wasn't infinite.

"Yelena... I'm sorry" Nat said softly, reaching out for her sister.

"No look it's fine, all I'm saying is you should both count yourselves lucky that you care about each other enough to fight like this. But don't let it push you apart" Yelena stepped back from Nat's reach.

Yelena turned around and headed back out of the training room, it was one of the few times she had been back in here since Lexa had died. The pair of them had spent a lot of time together in the training room and it still hurt being in there knowing that Lexa wouldn't appear and talk trash about hanging Yelena's arse to her in a fight.

Stepping out into the corridor, Yelena spotted Daisy rushing off.

"Oh fuck" Yelena said to herself, realising that Daisy had probably just heard everything she'd said to Nat and Carol.


"Your sister really doesn't hold back when she has something to say does she?" Carol said after a few moments of silence had past.

Nat sighed as she turned around to face Carol, she would have to find Yelena later and try to talk to her. Normally Y/N took care of talking to Yelena about Lexa, but Nat knew they'd all promised to leave Y/N and Wanda alone whilst they were on their honeymoon. So she would have to try, or maybe see if Steve would give it a shot.

"No she doesn't, but all her points were pretty fair. I don't this often so remember this moment, this is me admitting that I was wrong and that I'm sorry" Nat sighed as she moved closer to Carol.

"Well I wish you'd given me more warning, I would have recorded that monumental moment" Carol laughed gently, "I'm sorry too though, I know that is always seems like I'm having to leave just as we're figuring things out. If I could stay you know I would, right?"

"I know, can we talk about this more later? I've got to go and speak with Sharon about the news she dropped on Y/N at the wedding" Nat lent in and kissed Carol.

"Yeah of course, I don't have to leave until the morning so, date night?" Carol smiled as she grabbed her bag off the bench.

"Sounds great" Nat nodded, stealing another kiss from Carol before heading off to find Sharon.

At the wedding reception, Nat had been the first person to spot Sharon talking to Y/N at the bar and had immediately thought she was there to sabotage the nuptials. It had turned out that Sharon had come to tell Y/N that she had found where Petrov and Stein were hiding out. They'd been impossible to find after the showdown at the facility with Agatha, but Sharon's criminal world connections had paid off.

Nat still wasn't completely sold on that being the only reason Sharon had turned up, but Y/N and Wanda had agreed that the team should work with Sharon to confirm the information and make a plan. That meant Sharon was staying and the compound and Nat had been tasked with keeping an eye on her.

Checking her phone, Nat considered texting Y/N but knew that if Y/N had wanted an update she would have messaged by now. Nat came to a stop outside Sharon's room and knocked lightly on the door.

Yelena didn't know what she was going to do or say but she did know that she needed to find Daisy. After twenty minutes of searching the compound, she found Daisy in one of the many labs that made up the east wing of the compound.

"Since when have you been a science nerd?" Yelena joked, trying to break the ice as Daisy pretended to be busy looking at a microscope.

"Go away Yelena" Daisy said quietly, still not looking at Yelena as she sat down on the chair beside her.

"Daisy I know you heard what I said back there and I just wanted to try and explain it" Yelena frowned, wishing that Daisy would look at her.

"What is there to explain? You're still grieving and that's fine. I can't be mad at you because that would make me an insensitive jerk" Daisy said, turning random dials on the microscope, concentrating her frustration into that.

Yelena moved and put her hand on Daisy's moving it away from the microscope. Tony and Bruce would probably have a panic attack if they walked in now and saw Daisy messing around with the very expensive equipment.

"What I said back there, I was just trying to give Nat and Carol some perspective so they would sort their crap out. I can't apologise for missing Lexa, because I do miss her and I'm not sure if that will ever go away" Yelena explained, lacing her fingers through Daisy. "But I really like you Daisy and I'm trying my best for you. So please just give me time, don't give up on me."

Daisy finally looked at Yelena.

"I'm not giving up on you. It's just I heard what you said and I panicked because I really like you too and well it just made me think that I wasn't making you happy" Daisy admitted with a small frown.

"You think that you don't make me happy? Daisy you made me truly smile and feel joy when I thought I would never get to feel those things again. Don't ever think for a moment that I'm not happy when I'm with you" Yelena told her as she reached out and brushed a strand of hair from Daisy's face.

"Okay well not I feel stupid for overreacting and jumping to the worst case scenario that you were going to end it with me" Daisy said wishing she could take back the part where she stormed off and looked like an idiot.

"Come on let's go raid Bucky's snack supply and watch a movie" Yelena smiled as she kissed Daisy lightly on the cheek.

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