Something Isn't Right

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As expected when they had been picked up by Ross's men, Nat and Wanda were immediately checked for tracking devices before then being placed into restraints. A power dampening collar was put on Wanda, a similar device to the one she'd been put in during her short time of The Raft a number of years ago. 

From there they were transferred into a section of the jet that had now windows, clearly they were taking no chances on allowing the two women to know where they were going. Though Ava had already told them everything and had gone over it again in the few moments they had before the retrieval team had arrived. 

"They could really do with adding some padding to these for a bit more comfort" Wanda said to Nat as they sat opposite one another, there was one guard and Ava watching them both. 

"Not exactly getting first class treatment, some refreshments would have been nice" Nat added, looking at Ava who had said something similar about the cell back at the Avengers compound. 

There was a small beeping noise and then a shift in the jet that signalled them leaving earth and entering space. Ava gave Wanda and Nat the signal to let them know that they were close and to be ready to play along. 

Ten minutes later the jet entered the landing dock of the facility, large clamps took hold of the underside of the jet and guided it down as the airlock behind them closed again. Ava headed out first and immediately the sound of a blaring siren and flashing red lights filled the jet as the side doors were opened. 

"That doesn't sound good" Nat said over the noise, seeing that Wanda was just as concerned as she was. 

"Clearly Ross doesn't want to take any chances with us" Wanda replied as she tried to shift slightly in her seat to see out of the door. 

The sounds of multiple sets of boots running was added to the noise of the siren and they could hear voices shouting but neither of them could quite make out what they were saying. Suddenly the guard that had been left with them rushed off the jet, his hand raised to the ear piece he was wearing. 

"Something isn't right" Wanda didn't need her powers to read minds or emotions to sense that this was not how things should have been when they arrived. 

Nat twisted her hands to reach the small pocket on the front of her vest, smiling lightly as her fingers brushed against the lock pick inside it. Yelena had always been going on and on about how useful the pockets on the vest were, looked like she was going to have to agree with her little sister. 

"Well whatever is distracting them can work in our favour" Nat told Wanda as she slid the lock pick out of the pocket. 


Y/N had destroyed the cell door, it fell backwards the metal completely warped and buckled from the impact of Y/N's fists striking it over and over again. Stepping out from the cell, Y/N came face to face with a lone guard who had fallen behind the others, as he went to raise his gun, Y/N sprung forward moving in a blur of speed. She disarmed the guard with little effort and used the end of the gun to knock him unconscious before tossing him into the cell. 

The blackout was in full effect and there were no other thoughts in Y/N's mind other than causing pain to anyone who got in her way. Her senses were sharper and everything that had been improved by the super soldier serum felt even more enhanced as her mind switched to what felt like survival mode, it blocked out any rational thought processes. 

Striding down the hallway, Y/N took the turning that she had seen the soldiers take earlier and it was less than a few minutes before Y/N came face to face with them. 

"How the hell did she get out of that cell?!" One of the soldiers exclaimed as they all immediately turned and raised their guns. 

"Someone hit the escape alarm now!" Another shouted, gesturing at the control panel behind them. 

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