If I Hated You

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Y/N made her way toward the medical bay, the quinjet was all set to go and the others were sorting out the last few things, so Y/N took the chance to go and see Sharon. It didn't feel right to leave without saying goodbye to her. 

Waving at Dr Cho as she walked in, Y/N headed down the short corridor, tapping lightly on the door to Sharon's room before stepping inside. Compared to the last time Y/N had been here, Sharon was looking a lot better, the colour had returned to her face and she was sitting up on her own now. 

"Well I was wondering if America's most wanted was going to stop by. How are you holding up?" Sharon asked, her blue eyes filled with concern as she looked at Y/N. 

"Pretty sure I'm suppose to be the one asking you how you're doing, you were the one that got shot after all, I'm just getting some bad press" Y/N joked, trying to rely on humour as always when things were bad. 

Sharon sighed, she had known about the blackouts and wished now that she had pushed Y/N more to deal with them when they had been in Madripoor together. Maybe if she had then Y/N wouldn't be stuck in yet another awful situation, that was making her out to be a villain. 

"Come on Y/N you don't have to put on the hard arse joker act with me. I've known you too long and too well to fall for that" Sharon replied as she patted the space on the bed next to her. 

Y/N walked over and sat down on the bed, swinging her legs up to stretch out in front of her. She sat quietly for a moment before tilting her head to look at Sharon, giving her a slight smile. 

"I'm being made out to be the monster I was always scared of becoming after I managed to breakout from the Red Webs control. Even though I got away, I've never really felt like my mind has been fully mine again, not after everything they did to it and made me do. Now I've got to go on the run and put all the people I care about at risk again" Y/N confessed the smile finally falling away. 

Sharon moved slightly, ignoring the ripple of pain in her abdomen as she wrapped an arm around Y/N's shoulder and hugged her gently. She knew she was hurting herself emotionally being this close to Y/N again but Sharon hated seeing the way that Y/N was struggling. 

"You are good Y/N, you always have been and always will be, okay? Not once in the time we were together did I ever see you as a monster. Nobody who really knows you ever would. Ross is just looking for payback for all the times the Avengers have made him look like a fool" Sharon assured Y/N softly. 

"I just wanted to have a normal life at last and now I feel like I'm losing my grip on it all again" Y/N sighed leaning into Sharon, "But anyways enough about me and my angsty moping. How are you feeling? Are you going to go back to Madripoor?" 

"Actually I was planning on staying here a little longer, so I can help sort this situation out with Ross. If I can manage to get my name cleared, then I'm pretty sure I can pull some strings to help you" Sharon admitted, her blue eyes glancing away, she had been staring at Y/N's lips wishing they were on hers again. 

 "Sharon, I can't let you do that, not when you've got so much business back in Madripoor. You don't owe me anything, I will totally understand if you chose to go back" Y/N said with a slight frown as Sharon looked away from her. 

Sharon moved her arm from being around Y/N. This was so much harder than she had expected it to be. With the mission and then being shot, Sharon had managed to distract herself for a short time from thinking about Y/N, but now with Y/N here it was impossible to push back down the feelings. 

"You honestly think that I would put my business in Madripoor above being here to help you?" Sharon asked, slightly annoyed at how oblivious Y/N could be. 

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