Open Your Eyes

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Y/N watched as Dr Cho and two nurses worked on Sharon, she had shown some improvement and they were happy that they could removed the machines that had been helping Sharon breathe. Dr Cho had tried to ask Y/N to wait outside, but had thought better when she saw the look in Y/N's eyes. Tony had warned Dr Cho that Y/N's mood was not one to be pushed at the moment, not after her outburst at Steve earlier. 

"Okay, everything is looking stable. She's breathing for herself and her stats are holding steady. That's a really good sign" Dr Cho told Y/N as she cleared up. 

"How long until she wakes up?" Y/N asked, moving back to the side of the bed as the nurses left. 

"It's hard to say, her body has been through a significant trauma with the wound and surgery. Hopefully it will be soon though" Dr Cho reassured Y/N with a small smile before excusing herself. 

Sitting back down, Y/N let out a sigh as she watched the monitors. Her anger was still there but now Y/N felt an overwhelming sense of guilt that this had happened. Sharon had only been here because she had been trying to help her and now it had led to this happening. It just made Y/N think about all the other times she had been unable to help those she cared about, images of her parents and Lexa flashed in her mind. 

"I'm sorry I wasn't there Sharon, that I couldn't have stopped this from happening to you. I know I shouldn't ask anymore of you, but please open your eyes. Don't give up, okay?" Y/N said softly, resting her elbows on the edge of the bed. 


The atmosphere in the compound was tense, everyone was back and had been filled in on what had happened on the mission. It was hard to celebrate the fact that Petrov and Stein had been caught, when they knew that Sharon was in the medical bay fighting for her life after being shot. 

Nat knocked on Wanda's door lightly before pushing it open. She had seen the look on Wanda's face when Y/N had lost it in the medical bay and wanted to check that she was holding up okay, it wasn't exactly the ideal way to end a honeymoon. 

"Hey, thought I might find you up here. Just wanted to make sure you were alright?" Nat said as Wanda looked up from the chair she was sitting in. 

"I could think of better ways for my honeymoon to have ended" Wanda replied as she gestured for Nat to sit down with her. 

"Yeah I'm sorry about that Wanda, I know this can't exactly be easy for you. Have you spoken to Y/N since we got back?" Nat asked as she sat down in the armchair across from Wanda. 

"We spoke briefly earlier, I went down to see what the situation with Sharon was. Y/N's head was a mess though so it wasn't much of a conversation. I can feel her pain and anxiousness from here, I'm worried this will be too much for her if Sharon doesn't pull through, Nat" Wanda admitted with concern in her eyes. 

Nat knew that Wanda was referencing the fact that Y/N still had years of trauma that she hadn't dealt with properly, those years as Agent X and then the ones after leaving the compound, there were a lot of things that Y/N was burying down deep. 

"Y/N will be fine, we'll all keep a close eye on her and the minute it seems like somethings up we will all be there to help. As for Sharon I checked before coming here and it looks like she's making small improvements, so hopefully the worst is over" Nat assured Wanda. 

"I never thanked you" Wanda said as she looked over at Nat. 

"For what?" Nat asked curiously. 

"For bringing Y/N back to me. If you hadn't gone to Madripoor, then things would be really different right now. Y/N saved me from myself and she chose to love me. Which is why I'm trying to give her the space to deal with this, even if a part of me is jealous of how much she cares about Sharon" Wanda sighed, thinking about the way Y/N had looked when she'd heard Sharon had been shot. 

"Y/N loves you Wanda, she made a choice and it was you. I know it must be hard to have Sharon here, for you, but from knowing Y/N for as long as I have once she cares about someone she'll always care about them. Some people would say it's a fault but I think it's what makes Y/N who she is, her heart is big and she wears it on her sleeve and she will fight for those she cares about. That's all she's doing right now, she'd be the same if it was anyone else on the team. I don't think you need to worry about her still having any kind of romantic feelings for Sharon" Nat said as she looked over at Wanda. 

"You're right and that is one of the many reasons why I am so in love with her, because she does truly care about those close to her. She is going to make a great parent one day" Wanda smiled slightly remembering the conversation they'd had when Y/N had shown her the sketches of their house. 

"Kids?! You guys aren't like you know, already?!" Nat exclaimed, unable to contain her excitement. 

"No, we are not anywhere near ready for that just yet! But it's definitely something we both want in the future" Wanda laughed seeing how over the moon Nat was about the idea. 


Y/N rubbed her eyes and yawned, she must have dosed off after Dr Cho and the nurses had left. She hadn't slept for nearly twenty-four hours and had only intended to rest her eyes for a moment, but clearly her body had decided it needed some sleep. 

"Hey there sleepy head..." 

Hearing Sharon's voice, Y/N sat bolt up right suddenly alert as her violet eyes fell on Sharon who was smiling at her, though it was clear from her eyes that she was in a considerable amount of pain still. 

"You're awake! How long have you been awake?!" Y/N asked a rush of relief coursing through her seeing and hearing Sharon talk. 

"Mmm maybe an hour or so now" Sharon replied, her voice was raspy and slightly strained. 

"And you didn't wake me up?" Y/N said shaking her head as she reached out and put her hand on Sharon's. 

"You looked so peaceful, I didn't want to disturb you. Seemed like you needed the rest" Sharon said as she tried to sit up. 

"Whoa, you just had major surgery do not be trying to move about right now. Just relax okay, I don't want you popping any of Dr Cho's expertly done stitches. Can I get you anything?" Y/N jumped up, putting her hands gently on Sharon's shoulders to stop her trying to sit up again. 

"Mmm I forgot how much you liked to be a fuss" Sharon laughed slightly, "No I don't need anything. Just, will you stay with me for a bit longer?" 

Content that Sharon wasn't going to try and move again, Y/N dropped back down into the chair beside the bed and nodded her head. 

"Yeah of course I'll stay here" Y/N said as she rested her arms on the edge of the bed. 

"I've missed you" Sharon said quietly managing to lift her hand and put it on Y/N's arm. 

"I missed you too, though you really didn't need to get yourself shot for me to hang out with you. A phone call would have been fine" Y/N teased with a slight grin. 

They chatted for a little while and Y/N stayed until Sharon drifted back to sleep after Dr Cho had give her some more pain medicine. Then Y/N had gently lifted Sharon's hand off her own and finally made her way out of the medical bay to find Wanda, knowing that having spent so much time with Sharon that she needed to check that her wife was okay. 

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