Don't Be The Monster

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Seeing Y/N and Nat appear from the compound, Wanda tilted her head slightly catching the traces of a panic attack radiating off Y/N. The smile on Y/N's face was forced as she stepped up onto the landing pad and started to say goodbye to the others. Wanda caught Nat's eye as she came toward the ramp of the quinjet. 

'It's not my place to tell you, please don't look in my head Wanda'

'I don't need to read yours or Y/N's mind to know something happened in there with Sharon. It's written all over Y/N's face'

Nat sighed as she walked up the ramp and came to stand beside Wanda, she'd been hoping it wouldn't have been so obvious but then Wanda's powers were tough to hide anything from. As much as she would love to see Wanda go at Sharon, now wasn't the time, they needed to get out of here before Ross sent the military in to arrest Y/N. 

"Let Y/N tell you what happened, she will be honest you know that, she loves you Wanda and only you" Nat said quietly as she watched Y/N hug Tony and Morgan, the latter was upset that Y/N was going away before her birthday party. 

"She should count herself lucky that we are leaving" Wanda said in reference to Sharon, before putting on a smile of her own as Y/N started to walk up the ramp after being bear hugged by Sam. 

"Are we ready to go yet? Or is Y/N still acting like a celebrity out there?" Yelena asked from where she was sat in the pilot seat. 

Y/N caught what Yelena said and rolled her eyes as she stepped inside the quinjet. 

"No need to be jealous about me being more popular than you Lena" Y/N called back to her with a slight grin. 

"Are we really trusting the child to fly us to Wakanda?" Bucky asked as he joined them on the quinjet, dropping his bag down onto the floor. 

Yelena twisted round in the chair and flipped her middle finger up at Bucky who chuckled as he sat down in one of the seats along the side of the jet. 

"Hey I'm the co-pilot, it'll be a totally smooth flight" Daisy said with a bright smile from the seat beside Yelena. 

"I'd like to say that makes me feel more confident, but I'd be lying" Bucky teased as he rested his head against the back of his chair. 

Y/N walked over to where Wanda was standing and gently took hold of Wanda's hand, lacing their fingers together. She hadn't expected it to be so hard to say goodbye to the team, but knowing that there was a chance this was the last time she would see some of them for a long time had hit Y/N pretty hard. 

"We're doing the right thing aren't we?" Y/N asked Wanda as the ramp to the quinjet closed. 

"Do you think I'd have agreed to this if I thought there was a better option? Staying here would be worse right now. We need to make sure you're somewhere that Ross can't get to you until this is all sorted out. I'm here with you okay, I'm not going to let anything bad happen" Wanda said as she looked at Y/N. 

"Forever and always" Y/N spoke softly as she smiled at Wanda. 

"Forever and always, baby" Wanda smiled back, leaning in and kissing Y/N. 


Secretary Ross sat in his office, his eyes were fixed on the countdown clock that he'd had one of his workers set up in the room. There was only twenty minutes left on it, he knew the Avengers liked to be dramatic, but he also knew the likelihood of them handing in one of their own was slim to none. 

For too long the Avengers had been allowed to do what they wanted, never having to answer to anyone. The public had always been supportive though which is why Ross had struggled to ever launch a full investigation against them. 

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