Don't Be Gone

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The team gathered at the front of the quintjet, all of them watching through the glass as Tony and Carol headed toward the wreckage of the facility. Each of them was trying to hold it together, to not let the grief overwhelm them, trying to hold onto some small piece of hope that Y/N had survived. 

Yelena gripped Daisy's hand tightly, she had experienced loss before and was still recovering from the emotional toll that had taken on her, she wasn't ready to suffer through that again if Y/N didn't make it. 

"Don't be gone..." Yelena pleaded quietly. 

"Y/N is a survivor, if anyone can pull through this it will be her. She'll be okay" Daisy said gently, though she was trying to remain optimistic, she wasn't sure if it was really possible. 

Clint stepped away from the group and engaged his communication earpiece, connecting it to the jet that Nat was on. He and Nat had known each other for a long time and Clint had seen just how much Nat cared for Y/N during that time, the pair of them were family to each other. This wouldn't be easy for Nat to go through, Clint had seen the way it had torn her apart when they thought they'd lost Y/N before. 

"Hey Nat, it's me. How are you holding up over there?" Clint asked as he paced around the main cabin of the quinjet. 

"It's not good over here, Clint. Wanda is refusing to let me patch up her wounds, she says that if Y/N is dying or already gone, then because of the spell she did it means her life will end as well. I don't know what to do" Nat's voice was full of emotion and Clint wished he could hug her. 

"We just need to hold on, that's all we can do right now. Hold on and hope that the worst hasn't happened. Why did Wanda do that?" Clint replied, glancing over his shoulder at the others, they were all still gathered at the front. 

"It was the only way to save Y/N when she went into the cabin to bring Wanda back" Nat told him. 

"Tell Wanda she isn't allowed to give up, we keep going until we know for sure" Clint said as he lent against the wall, "Typical Y/N always sacrificing herself for others." 

"Yeah, I just wish I could take her place this time" Nat replied sadly. 

"You and I both know that she would never let that happen, she's stubborn like that" Clint laughed sadly. 

"She has to be alive Clint, I can't imagine a world with her gone" Nat said the pain clear in her voice. 

"Let's not think like that just yet Nat" Clint told her as he sat down. 


Tony flew between pieces of the wreckage, his suit carrying out scans of each part, looking for any life signs coming from them. As he kept going, Tony thought about Y/N and how he had been responsible for a number of the awful things that had happened in her life, it had all started after that night her parents had died. 

It was a guilt he had lived with all this time, knowing that if he had just stopped them from leaving his office that night, then it wouldn't have ever happened, none of this would have. Y/N could of had a normal life, she could have been safe. 

Instead Y/N had been dragged into the world of Shield and then the Avengers, suffering more loss and heartache than anyone should have to in a lifetime. 

"Anything yet Danvers?" Tony asked as he weaved through more of the debris. 

Carol was up ahead checking some of the parts of the facility that had been blasted further away. Like the others she was holding onto the hope that Y/N was alive, whilst they weren't close, Carol was more than aware of how much Y/N meant to the team and more importantly to Nat. 

"I've got nothing so far" Carol replied disappointedly. 

"Alright we keep going" Tony said as he tried to ignore the bodies of soldiers who had not been able to make it off the facility in time, float in the coldness of space. 


Ava switched on the autopilot system on the jet and finally stood up from the chair, she'd been trying to give Nat and Wanda space, knowing that what they were currently going through was probably one of the worst times of their lives. 

"Any news from the others?" Ava asked as she walked over to where Nat was sitting. 

"Nothing" Nat replied shaking her head slightly. 

"What do we do about uh her?" Ava pointed over to where Wanda was laying on the makeshift stretcher with her back to them, a small pool of blood was starting to form underneath it. 

Nat looked across at Wanda, she had tried to convince her to at least bandage the wounds but the look on Wanda's face and the faint red glow in her eyes had made Nat move away, knowing that Wanda had made her decision. 

"Leave her be, there is nothing we can do for her right now" Nat sighed sadly as she lent back against the seat. 

Ava moved and sat down beside Nat, she didn't know what else to say, she knew that this was largely on her for pressing the button when she did. But if she hadn't then it would have been likely that none of them would have made it off the facility. 

So knowing that there wasn't anything she could say to make the situation better, Ava just stayed sitting beside Nat. 

Wanda could hear them talking but kept her back to them, she couldn't face talking about what had happened. Her body felt numb now, not just because of the blood loss but also because of the emotional pain of knowing that the love of her life had been taken from her. 

She hadn't been able to save Y/N. All of those promises they had made to one another had been broken in that moment. The life they had dreamed of together had been shattered. They weren't going to build the beautiful house Y/N had designed or start the family they had been so excited to make together. 

Tears streamed down Wanda's cheeks, she felt so utterly lost and broken.


Y/N knew the moment that the metal beam had crashed down on her that this was it for her, but knowing that Wanda and Nat would have gotten out in time gave her some peace as she laid there. 

There had been a number of times that Nat had teased her, saying that she was like a cat, relying on her nine lives. Clearly now though those lives had run out, Y/N had cheated death one too many times and now it had caught up to her. 

Maybe it had been foolish to believe that she could have lived a normal life, that her and Wanda could have been together and grown old at one another sides. Closing her eyes, Y/N pictured Wanda in her mind, replaying that moment that Wanda had first come into her life all those years ago in the lab at the Avengers compound. 

Y/N had known then that there would never be anyone else for her. 

She smiled thinking about all the happy memories that her and Wanda had shared together. Remembering how on top of the world she had felt when Wanda had walked down the aisle toward her at their wedding. 

Y/N let herself get lost in the memories, not only ones of Wanda, but also of the good times she'd had with each member of the team, especially Nat and Yelena. Y/N shut out the sound of the explosions ripping through the facility around her. 

Knowing it wouldn't be long until the section of the facility she was in would be blown apart, Y/N accepted that there was nothing more she could do now. 

"I will always love you Wanda Maximoff" Y/N said in the moments before the hangar was torn apart around her. 

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