This Is Happiness

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The drive had taken a couple of hours and for most that Yelena had tried to avoid answering any more of Kate's questions, especially about where exactly it was that they were going. Yelena knew that Y/N and Wanda had taken a lot of time to ensure that where they were building the house was safe and completely away from other people. 

So Yelena made a point of taking a longer and more complicated route there, just to be sure that Kate wouldn't easily be able to remember the way there. The last thing she needed was to have Kate unknowingly tell the wrong people about this place existing. 

"So does this mean that you don't all live at the Avengers compound then? I thought you would all be together you know just in case you need to save the world or something" Kate looked out the window as the woodlands passed by in a blur. 

"A few of us stay at the compound but others have their own homes that they go back to when we aren't saving the world or dealing with some kind of crisis. You know we're mostly normal people too right?" Yelena glanced over at Kate as she took the turning onto the track that would lead up to the house, "We have lives outside of all the superhero stuff."

"Oh yeah of course sorry, just so use to seeing the Avengers on the TV I kind of forget you're actual people" Kate said as she noticed the lights up ahead through the treeline. 

"It's fine Kate Bishop, but just try to remember to play it cool when you meet everyone" Yelena said as they turned the corner and the house appeared across the lake in front of them. 

Yelena hadn't been up to the house for a few weeks and was impressed with what Y/N had done, the place looked beautiful and was everything that Y/N had been going on about and more. When she finally decided to settle down, Yelena was going to be sure to have Y/N design and build her a house too. 

"Wow, this place is amazing! Who did you say it was that lived here?" Kate asked as Yelena parked the truck near to a small bridge that stretched across the lake to the house. 

"I didn't, but it looks like the homeowners are here to greet us" Yelena spotted the front door opening and two figures stepping out onto the porch.

Y/N had told Wanda about the messages she had received from Yelena and both of them had spent a good hour trying to figure out who it was that Yelena would be bringing up here. Wanda had finally gotten bored and reached out with her magic to find out and both of them had been surprised when it had become clear who was Yelena's companion. 

Whilst they hadn't been deeply involved in any of the missions that had been going on, Y/N had spoken to Nat a couple of times whilst her and Clint had been dealing with something in the City together. Y/N wasn't sure why Yelena was not bringing Kate Bishop here, but she had made a promise not to tell Nat and let Yelena had a chance to explain what was going on. 

"Sense any risk to letting her into our home?" Y/N asked looking over at Wanda. 

"None, she seems like a good person from what I've felt" Wanda answered as she laced her fingers through Y/N's. 

"Remember when Nat asks that we had zero idea about Yelena bringing her here, we were totally surprised by it" Y/N laughed slightly as she squeezed Wanda's had gently. 

"You and I both know that Nat isn't going to believe that for a minute, she knows what you and Yelena are like together, trouble" Wanda teased as they watched Yelena and Kate cross the bridge. 

 "True but at least we'll have some news to distract her with before she can get to angry at me" Y/N said with a small grin. 

Yelena glanced over her shoulder to make sure Kate was following her, before turning her attention back to Y/N and Wanda, giving them a big smile as she took the steps up to the porch two at a time and threw her arms around them both. 

"You two are my favorites, I've told you that many times right?" Yelena laughed as she pulled back from hugging them both. 

"If that is your way of asking if Natasha knows you're here then the answer is no, we've kept your secret for now" Wanda smiled as she looked at Yelena. 

"Hey Kate, I'm..." 

"You're Y/N Maximoff and Wanda Maximoff, wow, I am a big fan, you're both so amazing!" Kate said excitedly cutting Y/N off. 

Yelena rolled her eyes and turned to look at Kate, this girl really had no idea how to play it cool at all. Again though seeing the bright smile on Kate's face and the excitedness in her eyes, Yelena found herself captivated by it for a moment. 

"It's a pleasure to meet you Kate" Wanda said with a kind smile, "Come on inside it's pretty cold out here." 

Y/N and Wanda led them both into the main living area of the house, there was a log fire burning and an array of refreshment set out on the large coffee table in the centre of the room. Yelena immediately spotted the chocolate chip cookies, Wanda was one of the best bakers in the group. 

"Yelena why don't you come and give me a hand grabbing some more logs for the fire" Y/N asked just as Yelena went to grab one of the cookies. 

"Really? I need to help the super soldier with half a vibranium arm carry some logs in?" Yelena said with a slight pout as she glanced back at the tray of cookies. 

"Want me to call Nat?" Y/N replied with a slight grin when she saw the panic in Yelena's eyes. 

"Fine I will come carry some logs. Kate Bishop remember what I said earlier, be cool" Yelena said as Kate sat down on one of the large couches, her dog sitting on the floor beside her. 

Y/N led them through the house and out into the back garden, off to the left was the small outer building she had built to store the logs in. As they reached it she turned to look at Yelena, a brow raised. 

"What? Why are you making that face at me for?" Yelena asked defensively as she lent against the pile of logs outside.

"Well I'm just waiting for the world class Yelena explanation as to why I'm keeping a secret from my best friend and taking in two strays for Christmas" Y/N said with a slight grin as she watched the way Yelena glanced back at the house. 

Yelena rolled her eyes sensing the enjoyment that Y/N was getting out of teasing her about the situation. It was far from ideal and Yelena really would have preferred to of left Kate back at the apartment, but it had been clear that Kate wasn't one for doing as she was told. 

"Nat sent me into the city to babysit Kate Bishop, I was told that I wasn't to interact with her, just keep an eye" Yelena began to explain. 

"Oh so in true you style, you did the opposite of what Nat asked" Y/N laughed as she began picking up some of the logs. 

"No no, I had every intention of sticking to the plan, what do you take me for?" Yelena laughed as well as she passed Y/N another log, "But you see these badly dressed guys turned up and tried to attack her and then me, so I didn't really have much choice. Especially when she did the whole pointing an arrow thingy at me on the rooftop."

"You know I'm starting to like the sounds of this girl and if I'm not mistaken from that little glint in your eyes and the way you have checked over your shoulder at the house at least five times since being out here with me you quite like her too" Y/N grinned as she saw the shocked expression that Yelena directed at her, "She's perfectly alright in there with Wanda, you don't need to worry." 

"I have absolutely no idea what you are on about Y/N, clearly you are still suffering some brain issues after the space explosion. I do not like her, I just couldn't leave her somewhere dangerous" Yelena tried to justify herself but could tell that Y/N wasn't believing any of it as her grin grew. 

"Want me to get Wanda to magic up some mistletoe for you when you're stood with her?" Y/N asked laughing loudly as Yelena threw one of the logs at her.

"Cyka" Yelena laughed as well as Y/N easily dodged the log she'd thrown. 

"Love you too Lena, now shall we go back inside so you can make puppy eyes at your new 'friend'?" Y/N nodded to the house, adjusting the pile of logs she was holding. 

"You are a terrible best friend Y/N" Yelena joked "When is my sister arriving?" 

"You're safe until tomorrow morning, but then you're on your own, I'm not getting in the middle of two Russian assassins arguing" Y/N said with a smile as they both walked back inside. 

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