Everything I Wanted

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Y/N sat at the desk in her office, her eyes skim reading the research that Bruce had sent through to her from the lab at the compound. Since moving out to the new house and stepping back from active missions, Y/N had returned to her true passion, science. 

It had been why she'd joined the Avengers in the first place, to help them study alien weapons and come up with defences against them. But that had been all put on hold after the series of events that had happened over the years. 

There was a light knock on the door. Y/N glanced up from the screens and a smile spread across her lips as Wanda walked in. Her smile faltered slightly when she noticed a redness around Wanda's eyes, she had been crying. 

"Darling, what's wrong?" Y/N asked concern spreading across her face. 

"Give me your hand" Wanda said as she walked around the desk, standing beside Y/N. 

"Okay..." Y/N arched a brow curiously as she held her good hand out to Wanda. 

Taking Y/N's hand, Wanda brought it to rest against the bump. A silence fell between them and then Y/N felt the gentle push against the palm of her hand. Now Y/N understood fully why Wanda had been crying as tears gathered in her own violet eyes. 

Y/N kept her hand pressed against the bump and smiled so hard her cheeks hurt as she felt the baby move again. They had both been so excited for this moment and it was now happening and Y/N couldn't put into words just how much joy it gave her. 

"This is amazing" Y/N finally said as Wanda's hand rested on top of hers. 

"It really is. I still can't believe it Y/N, after everything, we're really here. Married, living in our dream how, with a baby on the way" Wanda smiled softly as Y/N carefully pulled her down to sit on her lap. 

"I know, sometimes I have to pinch myself just to make it is really real. I never thought I would end up with everything I wanted but I have" Y/N replied as she kissed Wanda on the cheek. 

Wanda rested against Y/N, she had been worried constantly for the last week about their friends, they'd all been sent on missions and it was hard to not wonder what was going on. So this had been a welcome distraction this morning, a reminder of all the good things that were also happening. 

"Have you heard from any of the others?" Wanda asked as she tilted her head slightly to look at Y/N. 

"No, Nat has me on strict order not to message any of them, just incase the messages get intercepted by people who aren't our biggest fans" Y/N sighed, she had on more than one occasion just wanted to call Yelena or Steve to find out how they were getting on. 

"It's been a week, I'm sure some of them will be back soon" Wanda said with a small nod, "Has Nat spoken to you anymore about her and Yelena's falling out?"

"No she hasn't, I tried to bring it up the other day but in true Nat style she immediately change the conversation. They'll figure it out, they always do. I think it's been good for Nat having Carol around though, it relaxes her" Y/N replied as she saw another email from Bruce ping up on her screen. 

"Am I keeping you from being science nerds?" Wanda asked with a playful smile as she noticed Y/N's eyes flick to the screen. 

"Hey, you know you will always come before anything else. Bruce can wait for my analysis a little longer" Y/N smiled as she leaned in and kissed Wanda. 

Wanda smiled against Y/N's lips, kissing her back slowly. 

"I love you so much Wanda Maximoff" Y/N spoke softly as she pressed a trail of kisses along Wanda's jaw. 

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