Nothing To Lose

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"You're definitely sure there aren't any bears out here?" Kate asked with concern in her voice as she followed Yelena down the trail in the woodland. 

"Scared of bears but not scared of crazy tracksuit guys with guns, you are a strange one Kate Bishop" Yelena teased as she looked over her shoulder at Kate. 

Kate rolled her eyes, after spending the last two days with Yelena and the other Avengers she should of been used to the high levels of sarcasm by now that they all seemed to share. Since they had consumed so much food during the celebration of Christmas and the news of Wanda and Y/N's baby, Yelena had come into Kate's room bright and early this morning and announced they were going to go for a hike in the surrounding woods. 

After several attempts to hide under the duvet and pretend Yelena wasn't there, Kate had given in and agreed after Yelena had threatened to send Ava up. Kate had confided in Yelena that Ava had spooked her slightly and now Yelena seemed to delight in threatening to leave Kate alone with her. 

"Do you even know where we are going? I'm pretty sure we passed that tree twenty minutes ago" Kate huffed as she caught up with Yelena. 

"Of course I know, I have an excellent sense of direction. We go that way for another ten minutes and then you'll see why we came here" Yelena nodded, pointing off to an area just in the distance. 

"So Y/N and Wanda are together clearly and so are Tony and Pepper. I'm guessing that your sister and Carol are a thing to right? What about Bucky and Sam, are they a thing?" Kate asked as she fell into step with Yelena. 

Yelena burst out laughing and had to stop walking as she looked at Kate, who was confused by what was so amusing. 

"I cannot wait to tell Bucky that you think him and Sam are together. We tease them about it all the time, but now you even think it. That's hilarious, you are very funny Kate" Yelena chuckled, "But to answer the question no they aren't together and yes my sister and Carol are together." 

"Please don't tell them!" Kate exclaimed as Yelena carried on laughing, "Stop it, it's not that funny." 

"It's so funny but okay I won't say a word" Yelena grinned mischievously as she started walking again. 

"Thank you" Kate sighed with relief, "Um so what about you?"

"What about me?" Yelena asked as she climbed over a fallen tree. 

"Well I mean are you like with someone?" Kate tried to sound like it was just a casual question, but after that night sat on the bridge with Yelena, she hadn't been able to stop thinking about knowing the answer. 

Yelena hid her smile as she heard the question and the way that Kate was trying to play it cool and seem uninterested about what the answer might be. She considered how much to say, telling Kate everything might scare her off and Yelena didn't want that. 

"I was seeing someone but it didn't work out between us. She left after we broke up and went to Madripoor to work with someone we know out there. So no I'm not with someone" Yelena explained, keeping her reply brief but getting the point across that she was unattached, "You?"

Kate felt a sudden sense of relief when Yelena answered, not that there was probably any chance that Yelena would be interested in her, she was way out her league. But no matter how much Kate had tried to push down these feelings that she had started getting for Yelena, they refused to go. 

"Me, totally single, like really single. I'm like so available" Kate replied and immediately wanted to kick herself for how desperate it had sounded. 

"That's good to know, I'm sure that would make for a great bio on a dating app" Yelena winked with a grin, "Okay, just through these trees and we're here." 

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