#94 Thing He Teases You About

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Ashton (Age 15): Clumsiness

You were probably one of the most clumsy person to walk the face of the Earth. You were constantly tripping over nothing and falling down stairs and running into walls. You had the worst case of butterfingers to ever exist, and needless to say knifes and glass was never handed to you. Ashton on the other hand, found your clumsiness hilarious. He teased you about it any chance he got. When you fell down the stairs, the last thing on his mind was if you were okay or not, it was always him making some joke about dead hamster ghosts and tripping over them.

Luke (Age 14): Height

In your defense, not everyone can be 8 feet tall like Luke. You were quite a bit shorter than him, and the fact that you were only fourteen flew over his head all the time. You were barely 5 foot 1, and then there's him being all 6 foot 4. He was constantly using your head as an arm rest and asking how the weather was down there. When he was home, there was never an hour that went past without some lame joke about your height. Sometimes, when he was feeling particularly obnoxious, he would stare right over you when you talked and asked if anyone else heard a tiny noise. It was irritating to say the least, but you couldn't deny the fact you teased him about his height as well.

Calum (Age 16): Lack of Athletic-ness

You hated anything even the slightest bit athletic. You were much happier laying on your bed and rewatching Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt or Dance Moms on Netflix. Besides, you thought the 50 minutes of PE, walking home, and walking around during the day was plenty of exercise. You saw no reason to go out of your way and play some sport, no matter how good you were at it. Calum thought it was hilarious, seeing as he was so good at football (GOD I SWEAR I'M GOING TO STOP TALKING ABOUT SOCCER/FOOTBALL IN THESE PREFERENCES BECAUSE I JUST ????? AT THIS POINT) and you wouldn't dodge a ball flying at your face. He was constantly throwing things at you and yelling 'think fast!'. Or yelling shotgun and running out to the car, knowing you wouldn't chase after him. He was so obnoxious about it, but you let it slide because of how little you saw him.

Michael (Age 13): Music Taste

If someone were to ask you the main difference between you and Michael, it would be your music taste. It wasn't like yours was totally completely opposite of Michael's, it just wasn't like his at all. Michael had his whole punk rock thing going, while you were more than happy sitting in your room listening to the multiple vine and YouTube stars singing instead. Shawn Mendes, Troye Sivan, Grant Landis, Ricky Dillon, Trevor Moran and Jack & Jack were almost always playing while you were in your room. Michael thought it was hilarious and was always teasing you about with saying things when you got in the car like, 'oh wait, y/n's gotta listen to her magcon nash grier crap'. It irritated you so much because one, you didn't even like MagCon, and two, does Nash even sing?! You ignored it for the most part, though.

so uh hey, idk where this came from but it happened???

anywhooooo yeahhhh cx

i have spent almost all day today in my bedroom watching life with boys on netflix, youtube and reading fics on ao3 so it's been a pretty good day today.

qotu; do you read any 5sos bromance fics? like i know we don't ship them romantically, but do you? if so, which ones are your favorites?

aotu; i have to admit that i do read them. i know the whole 'don't ship them romantically'! thing but the boyxboy fics in this fandom are usually wayyy cuter and better than the het fics on here. my favorites are probably pocket pall - mychemicalmuke [muke], blind - michaelsvans [muke], and color of love - larry_lashton (lashton)

if you do read any homo fics any recomendations??? [[pls no tear jerkers i'm not emotionally stable to read any right now]]


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