#67 Your Favorite 5SOS Song and Why

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I did this one in my one direction bsm prefs but with one direction, obviously xD

Ashton: Wherever You Are

The first time you heard this sing, you fell completely in love. It became more and more your favorite song when Ashton left for the first time, and the reality of the sing sunk in. It was still you favorite song by them and probably would be for a long time.

Luke: Close As Strangers

The first time you heard the song was on a day that you were missing Luke pretty badly. You felt like you never saw him, and that your relationship wasn't a sibling relationship. When you heard this song, it explained how you felt perfectly, and it made you feel better, to be honest.

Calum: Tomorrow Never Dies

You remember when the boys were going through the writing stage for the album, Calum had shown you the chorus of this sog and you were obsessed from then on. When they finally released their album, the song was on reply for hours, there was just something about it that you loved, a lot.

Michael: Unpredictable

While half of the 5sos "fandom" doesn't even know the song, it was by far your favorite. There was something inspiring about it and it just made you want to do something you normally wouldn't have. It was a great song and you really wish more "fans" would actually know about it, and the entire Somewhere New EP.

fun fact/story: yesterday my seven yo brother asked me if all of 5sos were boys, and when I said yes he pointed at Michael and said "he looks like a girl" then left my room XD

QOTU; What is your favorite 5sos song?

AOTU; Too Late, Gotta Get Out and End Up Here c:

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