Chapter 31 - The Curse of the Number Two Hero

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TW: Gore, physical torture, and emotional manipulation

Yes, this is where the mature rating starts to pop up a bit more, please read with caution. Also, I think it may be a bit concerning how much I enjoyed writing this chapter... I promise I am of sane mind XD

Love you bubs <3


"How 'bout this?" Hina inquired with a breathless sigh, her eyes imploring as though they hoped for some truth to be uncovered. "Why do you hide it?" Her dollops of pure blue dropped from his gaze, her touch on his cuff somehow burning through and onto his skin. "You don't have to tell if you don't want to. I'm jus-"

"It's impossible to find them." Bakugo interrupted, not sure as to why he wished to both refute her indecisiveness and comfort her obvious concern.

He witnessed her eyes widen, her lips parting so a breath of incredulity could leave her. "What?"

He met her eyes for a fleeting second, the disbelief, the want to understand apparent in her expression, in the touch of her palm fully cupping his wrist.

"The distance is," He hesitated, unsure whether he should divulge the secret hidden underneath the black hide. But the warmth from her hand, from her gaze, from her scent, compelled him to continue, "...impossible to reach."

He could see the wonder and the surprise with how her brows quirked up. He could feel how her scent thickened with bittersweet consolation. However, he couldn't bear the thought of her sympathy, her pity, so before she could say something, he spoke in a monotonous and distant tone. "But it doesn't matter, they'd get in the way. Even if I could find 'em, having 'em in my life would only harm them."

She propped herself on her hand, her brows furrowed once more. "How so?"

"I wouldn't be able to give 'em the time they'd need. My schedule revolves around work. I gotta be the best." Her eyes met his once more, the twin whirlpools swirling and pulling him in with an addicting emotion he refused to acknowledge.

He noticed how her hand receded away from him as she spoke softly. "I'm sure if they're your 'fated,' something like schedule conflicts wouldn't bother them."

He turned to face his body heavenward, his eyes trailing the scattered clouds as he composed his contemplations. He too believed the same at a time, believing that if he had a fated somewhere out there in the universe he wouldn't have to worry about trivial things such as schedule conflicts. But his line of work had other dark thoughts, other sinister threats which made him slightly grateful that he didn't have a chance to find his mate.

"Villains would target them." He said intone of a foreboding premonition; as though he were an oracle stating a fact that would be bound for a hero to face in the future.

A silence dragged, the echoes of their peaceful breaths and nature's sound filling it. A larger summer cloud eclipsed over the pair laying on the grass, eventually floating away. The shade coupling with his devastating statement only made his heart constrict from his painful solitude, forcing him to fully voice his deepest concerns, his darkest self-doubts.

So in a whisper, he surrendered his thoughts to the billowing winds and to the pair of ears willing to listen so keenly. "And if anything ever happened to them, I'd never be able to live with myself. Because how could I be a hero if I couldn't even protect my own village?"

And like the purest, clearest diamond, she sparkled, making him forget all his worries for another time with a playful smirk and a single disbelieving question.

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