Chapter 25 - Proceed With Caution

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I'm back bubbsss!
Midterm season was stressful but i got through it with a few little existential crises. Hope y'all like today's chapter as it is quite an intimate one hehe.
luv u guys <3


The birds chirping a symphony, the first beams of daybreak, and the scent of crisp morning air were the first things Bakugo sensed when he came to. His figure was spread out like a starfish, his mouth stretching open in a yawn as he wiped the sleep out of his eyes.

He switched on his side, his arm reaching out for a warmth he always sought before fully waking up. But his hand only found cool sheets and a fluffy, untouched pillow. An eye blinked open then the other, his expression riddling with confusion.

Because he swore there'd usually be someone by his side in this delirious state. Someone with raven locks that were sprawled in a mess, a pink pout that always had a line of drool trickling down a chin. Maybe he'd even see two mesmerizing orbs of blue that only pulled him in deeper and deeper.

And yet, there was no one there. He was alone.

He frowned, blinking hard and trying to defog the turbulence in his mind. After a few moments of harshly squinting the fabric he realized he was looking for the omega one room over.

A broken, shaky sigh left him.

Bakugo never thought he'd feel so disoriented from waking up alone. He guessed his instincts had other surprises for him while he accidentally explored the extent of how omega pheromones affect him.

Such a waste of time.

Is what he'd normally think.

But right now, all he could think of was just how pathetic he was for believing she could ever return the sentiment he felt. How pitiful he was for yearning a presence that wasn't meant for him to yearn.

After all, etched in his skin was a symbol of who he was meant to be with. A forever promise, an eternal vow letting him know someone who was perfect for him in this infinite universe was out there. Someone. Someone who was impossible to reach no matter how powerful and amazing he was.

That symbol, that sign which most people regarded with much reverence was anything but for Bakugo.

It was an insult. The ink on his wrist taunting him for the rest of his life, for the rest of his eternity.

Hence the covering of leather on his wrist shielding it from his view.

And yet, in times like these, where he'd find himself wallowing in his solitude, tottering in his heartache, he couldn't help but recall it. Couldn't help rub the obsidian hide as he just tried to remember the shape, the single yet never ending number he was bestowed with.

Even with that, the fact someone managed to weasel into his mind, take control of his every thought of everyday, he couldn't help but feel slightly happy in the momentary bliss he gets. Because even if she wasn't his, at least he got a taste of what it felt to be as one.

At least he knew what it's like not being alone.

He could've just laid there in self-pity for mountains of minutes, of hours. Maybe even for days.

But the scent of luscious vanilla diffused into his room, effectively halting his thoughts.

He turned around onto his other side, his eyes falling onto a very sleepy omega huddled within the crimson blanket she'd brought from his home.

"G' morning." She slurred, the back of her hand rubbing her misty eyes.

"Morning," he said, sitting up and scratching his belly.

𝔄𝔫 ℑ𝔫𝔣𝔦𝔫𝔦𝔱𝔶 𝔄𝔴𝔞𝔶 | Katsuki Bakugo x OCOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant