Is It Finally Over?

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" You might as well give up and turn yourself in. You will not het her or my grandchildren." Steve stays by the open truck door.

" At least not with out a fight. Do you realize what I could build with her ,The Winter Soldier and their children?"

" First Bucky isn't The Winter Soldier anymore. Two he will kill you before you can touch them." Steve leans against the door.

" He may not be but that can change quickly once he is put back in the machine. As for your precious daughter one more time in the machine is all that is needed to set her trigger words." Sharon chuckles.

Steve glares at her and pulls out a gun aiming at her head." Don't threaten my family."

She takes another step closer." Oh Steve what are you going to do shoot the niece of your precious Peggy?"

Steve takes a deep breath lowering his arm a little. Sharon scoffs and shakes her head staring to raise the gun she had been holding behind her back. Steve suddenly raises his arm and pulls the trigger. Sharon falls to the ground clutching her chest and gasping for air. Steve crouches down." That is for taking Aurora and poisoning Peggy."

Sharon keeps gasping for air her eyes wide in shock. Steve stands up." Didn't think we knew? Like I said you will not touch my family."

As Sharon takes her last breath Steve calls in a team to help with the scene. Once the team arrives and makes his way back to the compound. Walking in and sees Aurora in the kitchen of the main living area. He walks over to her and pulls her in to a tight hug." It's all over sweetheart."

Aurora pulls backl looking at her dad's face." What?"

" Sharon is dead." He kisses her forehead.

"'s all over they won't look for us anymore?" She reaches out holding her dads arms.

Bucky walks in." Everything ok?"

Aurora looks over at Bucky." Love it's over Sharon is dead." She put a hand over her mouth.

He walks up and hugs her. He looks at Steve." What about Hydra?"

" I took Sharon's phone we have locations of all the active Hydra bases. We can take them all out." Steve smiles.

Steve sets Sharon's phone on the counter. Aurora lets out a gasp and holds on to Bucky's arm. Bucky looks at her and then looks down." Oh woah...It's go time."

Steve looks at them." What can I do to help?"

Aurora calmly walks around the counter carefully to the elevator." Can you bring my bag up I packed for the delivery?"

" Sure thing anything else?" Steve is panicking a little.

" Call Maria see if she can help with the twins. Other then that just the bag you and Bucky." She smiles and breathes slowly.

Bucky and Aurora make their way to the medical wing. She stops at the nurses station." Can you please get Dr. Cho? My water broke."

Bucky keeps a hold of Aurora." How are you so calm?"

" Well not my first time plus this time I wasn't kidnapped. Sharon is gone and we will take care of the remaining active Hydra bases. I have you, my dad, the twins, Wanda, Sam, their boys, Bruce,Clint and our new additions." She kisses his cheek and grabs on to his arm as she feels a contraction.

He supports her and kisses her forehead. The nurse takes them back getting them all set up. After a few hours Aurora delivered three beautiful babies. Two boys and one girl. James, Ethan and Sarah.

Wanda brings little Steve and Nat in Sam follows close behind with their boys to meet the triplets. Sam stand behind Wanda. Aurora smiles and looks around at everyone. She thinks about how lucky she is to have all of these wonderful people as her family.


** I hope everyone liked my first fan fiction. Please check out an original story I am working on.**

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