A Fight

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She laughed and started foaming at the mouth, Bucky bends down. " She had a cyanide tablet."

" Hydra." Aurora takes a few steps and looks around.

Bucky looks at her his eyes widen. " Babygirl you're hit."

She looks at her arm." Yeah I think the bullet just grazed my arm."

Steve walks over and examines her. " We should clean this up so it doesn't get infected."

" I told you they would come for me." Aurora sighs.

Bucky wraps his arms around her." I told you they won't get you. You have Sam your dad and I to keep you safe."

" What if she got a message off to them that I am pregnant?" Aurora tears up." Do you know what they would do with them?"

Bucky takes her face in his hands." Doll I know what they would do with them. I read your file remember. They will not get them."

Steve puts his hand on Bucky's shoulder and rubs Aurora's back." Come on let's go before anyone else comes just in case they called for back up."

" Give me a minute." She waddles over to the couple laying on the ground and searches for their phones. The man didn't have anything but his gun that was now a few feet away. The woman had a cell next to her hand. Aurora sighs and picks it up making her way back to the truck.

They head off back to the lake house. She searches through the text messages. She swallows hard and slams the phone onto the middle consol. Bucky glances at her." What did you find?" She shakes her head as Steve grabs the phone reading the message that was left open.

" What did you find?" She shakes her head as Steve grabs the phone reading the message that was left open

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Steve looks up." Maybe we should think about moving into the compound for awhile."

Aurora shoots a look at her dad. " Absolutely not I just got the Nursery done. The lake house is our home."

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