Running Into Trouble

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Aurora giggles and lays back on the exam table. Steve looks at the monitor his eyes tear up. " Wow look at them. My grandchildren."

Bucky holds Aurora's hand. " How does everything look Banner?"

Bruce looks at the monitor moving the wand around her belly. " Everything looks really good. baby A still looks to be a boy and baby b to be a girl."

Aurora smiles." They are perfect."

Bruce prints out some pictures." I want to see you in two weeks,"

Bucky and Aurora nods." Alright all done with the scan. I just need some blood to keep an eye on your levels."

Aurora scrunches her nose." Ugh needles."

Bruce takes some samples. Steve Bucky and Aurora start to head out." I want ice cream." She says as she carefully gets in the truck.

" I think we can do that Doll." Bucky chuckles.

" Ice cream sounds amazing." Steve says.

They head off to get ice cream then head back to the lake house. Just as they hit the country road, Bucky slows the truck down and stops as they see a black car stopped in the road. " Looks like they are broke down." Steve remarks.

Aurora grabs Bucky's arm. " Something doesn't feel right."

"I am sure it is ok sweetheart I will go ask if they need help." Steve opens the door.

Aurora looks at her dad. " Dad don't I don't like the feeling I am getting. Let's just go around."

" I will be fine. I will see if i can go help I will only be a minute." Steve smiles and closes the door.

" Bucky" She holds his arm tighter. Aurora tracks her dad's movement.

" I am sure it is ok Doll. Probably someone who got lost and broke down." Bucky pats her hand.

Steve walks to the couple that are looking under the hood. " Hey everything alright do you need some help?"

The couple look up and are a bit startled seeing Steve. The women recovers quick. " Oh my goodness Captain America himself stopping to help us. Honey look."

The man looks at her." Yeah I see dear. I thought he died.. I thought you died."

She smack's his arm. " That's not very nice honey. Yes we could u0se a little help looks like the battery died."

" I see well I am sure we could give you a jump." Steve smiles and starts to walk back to the truck.

Aurora watches closely seeing the man reach behind his back. Aurora flings the door open. " Dad watch out." She grabs a gun from the glove department taking aim as Steve ducks. Bucky climbs out of the drivers side grabbing his gun from the door.

Aurora pulls the trigger hitting the guy in the head between his eyes, just as he gets one shot off after he changes his aim from Steve to her. She grunts as the bullet hit her left arm. " Damn it."

Steve gets up making it to the truck grabbing the shield. " Language sweetheart."

Bucky takes aim at the women hitting her in the leg taking her down. He walks up to her kicking her gun out of reach aiming his at her head." Who do you work for?"

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