Where to search?

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Bucky sighs " She couldn't have just disappeared of the face of the earth."

" Maybe she doesn't want to be found." Sam shrugs

"What family members does she have left, besides Sharon Carter?" Bucky rubs his face.

" Seems she had or has two Uncle's James and Sam no Aunts. Where abouts unknown." Torres reads from the report.

Bucky looks at Sam " Steve had two sons and named them after us?"

Sam sighs " Ok thanks Torres. Keep digging and tell us if you find anything."

" Will do." Torres gets up and heads out.

Bucky and Sam head back to Bucky's apartment. Bucky stops suddenly. "Hmmmm there is some that knows alot about Steve and I. Your not going to like it, I hate even bringing him up."

Sam looks at him. "Nope we can not bring Zemo into this."

" Look I don't like it either but it may be worth a shot. The way things were wiped from the files feels like Hydra." Bucky explains.

"Thisnis a bad idea Bucky." Sam sighs

"Maybe but what if he knows something Sam?" Bucky looks at Sam.

" Fine but he stays in his cell." Sam says as he starts walking.

They make it back to Buckys place. Bucky calls to make arrangements to meet with Zemo. Sam sits down as Bucky finishes the call. " We can meet him in two days." Bucky scratches his neck." You can stay here if you want."

Sam nods " Thanks Bucky I would be happy to."

After dinner they look over all the information again. Bucky sets one of the folders down and sighs. " Well staring at these won't  make anything magically appear so I'm headed to bed."

"Me too." Sam sighs in defeat.

**Please vote** I hope everyone is enjoying the story.

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