Moving and Searching

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Bucky wakes up a few hours later and smiles down at Aurora running the fingers of his right hand through her hair. She opens her eyes slowly and looks up at him." I love you so much."

" I love you to Doll." He kisses the top of her head."

" I have been thinking maybe we could move to the compound until the babies are born." She runs her hands over his chest.

" Yeah? I think it would be safer." Bucky hugs her tight.


They all move in to the compound. Steve and Bucky have been working on finding Sharon. Aurora is two weeks from her due date. She waddles into Bruce's lab seeing Bucky, Sam, Wanda, Bruce and her dad. She stops and puts her hands on her belly." Having a meeting?"

Bucky walks up to her and kisses her forehead." How are you feeling Doll?"

" Well I feel like a whale. You are avoiding my question." She tilts her head.

Steve walks up and puts his hand on her shoulder." Just discussing the next place to look for Sharon."

" Ahhh, well I am going to go for a walk." She turns to leave.

Sam calls out." Take someone with you."

She rolls her eyes and flips him off making her way out of the lab. She has one of the agents go out with her while she walks around the track. She puts in her wireless earbuds and turns on her music.

Sam looks at everyone." Well I would say she is a bit grumpy and over it."

Steve and Bucky look at each other and Bucky sighs." Lots of stress the babies are keeping her up."

" Yup she definitely has her moms attitude." Steve chuckles.

On lap three Aurora stops and puts her hands on her back stretch a little. She looks around not seeing the agent she shakes her head and starts another lap.

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