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Aurora stops as she sees two men step out on to the track from the woods. They make their way up to her she reaches down to her right side and pulls out a knife." Who are you?"

The taller one grins." Hail Hydra."

She takes a step back one hand on her belly. She throws the knife tagging the taller guy in the chest. The shorter one advances. She turns to run and a strong arm stops her as a cloth is placed over her mouth and nose. She struggles as hard as she can but she eventually looses the battle to stay awake. With the cloth still held to her mouth and nose she screams but it is muffled." BUCKY."

Bucky checks his watch." It's been an hour we should check on Aurora see if she is back."

They look in the bedroom." Anyone see her?"

" No checked the kitchen and the lab. Maybe she is still outside." Wanda shrugs.

Bucky and Steve head out to the track. Bucky stops and points to someone on the ground." Steve." They run over seeing the guy with the knife in his chest and a Hydra pin on his jacket. Bucky stands up and frantically looks around." AURORA?" He calls out.

Steve looks around finding the Shield agent that was supposed to be protecting her.

Bucky calls out." Steve tire tracks."

Steve stands up." We need to look at the security footage."

Bucky looks at Steve." I can't loose them Steve. She could go into labor any day now."

Steve puts his hand on his shoulder." I know Buck I can't loose them either. We will get them back."

Bucky nods." Let's go look at the footage."

They rush into Bruce's lab Bucky finds Bruce." Hey Banner can you bring up the security footage near the track and go back an hour?"

" Yeah sure what's going on?" Bruce asks as he bring the footage up.

Steve looks at the screen and takes a deep breath." My daughter is missing."

Bruce pauses then looks through the footage." Hey guys I think I found something."

Bucky and Steve watch the screen. Bucky clenches his fists." They drugged her and put her in the back of a van."

"Buck calm down." Steve puts his hand on his shoulder.

" Calm down? Your daughter my wife was drugged and taken. What if she goes into labor do to stress?" Bucky punches the desk with his left hand.

" I know Buck, Bruce can you see a plate number on the van?" Steve turns to Bruce.

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