Just a Dream?

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He wipes his eyes and looks towards the house." Did you hear that?"

" Hear what Buck?" Steve looks at him concerned.

" Bucky...Love?"

"That sounds like Aurora calling my name." Bucky turns looking at Bruce.

Steve sighs." Bud I think you are hearing things."

Bucky watches Bruce pick up her body." I will take her back to the compound to get her cleaned up." Bucky walks up to Bruce and puts his hand on her cheek giving her one last kiss.

Bucky nods." Can you also run a pregnancy test? She said it was a surprise. she was waiting to tell me. I need to know...Please."

Bruce looks at him." Do you think that is a good idea? knowing might make this a lot worse."

" Not knowing is going to drive me insane. I need to know." Bucky closes his eyes.

Steve walks up and puts a hand on his shoulder and kisses Aurora's forehead. " I think we all need a definite answer for peace of mind."

Bruce nods." Sure thing I will let you know." Bruce walks away holding Aurora.

" Bucky....Love wake up please."

Bucky spins around looking where Bruce went with Aurora's body. " You had to have heard that." He turn to the house." It sounds like she is in the house."

"Bucky please wake up."

Bucky sits up and gasps looking over seeing Aurora looking at him. He grabs her and pulls her in to a tight hug and doesn't let go. She lets out a small giggle and hugs him back." You were having a nightmare."

" It felt so real." Bucky pulls back a little holding her face in his hands and kisses her." Don't ever leave me."

" Don't plan on it my love." Aurora smiles.

" Babygirl weird request but do you have any pregnancy tests left?" Bucky smiles.

" I think so....why did you miss your cycle?" She laughs.

"No just a hunch." He kisses her cheek.

" Alright well lets go back to bed and in the morning I will ask Wanda if she has any." She puts her hand on his cheek.

" I will cuddle you while you sleep. I don't think I can after that dream." Bucky holds her close as they lay down.

" Do you want to tell me about it love?" She snuggles in.

He shakes his head." No baby not right now."

She nods and eventually drifts off to sleep. He holds her close and stays awake trying to shake the dream. After a few hours She wakes up and notices Bucky was gone. She glances at the baby monitor and smiles seeing him and her dad getting the twins up and ready for the day. She sits up and slowly gets up feeling a little dizzy.

She gets dressed and heads to the stairs Bucky sees her and comes up to her. " Here Doll let me help you."

She smiles." I think I am perfectly capable of going down the stairs with out help my love."

" Let me just help you babygirl." He chuckles.

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