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" Of course i do." says a familure voice.

Sam looks at Bucky and then to where the voice came from. " How did he get out, you didn't help him did you?" Sam shakes his head.

" Nope he was secure when i left." Bucky turns his head.

Zemo steps into the room. " There was a distraction and i slipped out."

" Just like that?" Sam and Bucky say at the same time.

Zemo nods walking over to a car opening the trunk and pulling out a duffle bag and a coat. Starting to walk out of the warehouse he looks over his shoulder. " Coming?"

Sam and Bucky look at each other and sigh following Zemo out. They all get into Sam's truck Sam looks in the rear-view mirror. " where are we going?"

" Private runway around the back of the airport." Zemo responds not looking up.

Bucky turns looking at Zemo. " So there was nothing in the warehouse?"

"There was its here." He pats the duffle bag.

" Care to share with the class?" Bucky glares.

" Not yet maybe when we are on the plane." Zemo smirks.

" Plane?" Sam questions.

Bucky whispers " Shit..I need to make a call."

Bucky Dials Dr. Raynor's number. " Hey uhmmm can we reschedule or do the appointment over the phone?"

" I guess we could work something out. What's going on?" Dr. Raynor asks.

"Took your advice and hanging out with Sam going out of town. Not sure for how long." Bucky says quickly.

"Hmmm...Good for you Bucky." The Dr. Praises.

" Thanks have to go bye." Bucky hangs up.

Zemo tilts his head. " Interesting."

Bucky glares at Zemo and shakes his head. " Where are we going?"

" Madripoor." Zemo grins.

Bucky looks at Zemo and sighs. Sam looks at Bucky then to Zemo." What am i missing?"

" Lets just say this may be rough." Bucky says

All three exit the truck and board Zemo's private plane. "So your rich?" Sam says

" My family was royalty Sam I am a Baron." Zemo says sitting.

Bucky sits staring at Zemo. " So where is this information you have?"

" Patients James." Zemo smiles.

Bucky stands making his way to Zemo in the blink of an eye grabbing his throat with his vibranium hand. " Don't push me Zemo."

" Alright lets all just relax." Sam puts his hand on Bucky's shoulder.

Bucky releases Zemo and sits down still staring. Zemo pulls out a file with the Hyrda symbol on the front from the duffle bag." Here this is what I recovered from Hydra."

Bucky takes a deep breath hesitating before taking the file. He glances at Sam and opens the folder. Staring at him is a familure picture of a little girl. Bucky hands the picture to Sam. Looking at another picture of a girl about 25-27 closed eyes in a cryotube. " Why did they have her?" Bucky continues looking and finds a report.

NAME:A. RogersHEIGHT: 4' 3"


SEX: FemaleHAIR COLOR: Strawberry Blonde

WEIGHT: 50 lbs

EXPERIMENTS/TESTS: Endurance testing, hand to hand combat, weapons

RELATIVES: Steve Rogers and Peggy Rogers


⦁Subject 3 is shy, won't talk refuses to eat or drink. Had to set an IV for fluid intake. CAUTION: Subject 3 will bite, kick and punch.

⦁See a lot of potential in the new Subject.

⦁DAY 10: Still unable to get Subject 3 to eat. Putting her in a shared cell with The Asset A.K.A The Winter Soldier to see what happens.

⦁DAY 17: Astonishing development The Winter Soldier has gotten Subject 3 to eat and drink. Able to remove the IV and move forward with plans.

⦁DAY 20: Put Subject 3 back in her won cell refuses to eat and will not stand on the tread mill for the endurance test. Continually sits down when stood back up. May need to scrub plans.

⦁Day 22: Put her back with The Winter Soldier. The Asset continues to get her to eat and drink. Brought him with her for the tests. Success on getting her to run on the tread mill. Her endurance matches that of her father A.K.A Captain Steve Rogers and also matches The Winter Soldier. Needs further testing.

⦁DAY 40: Subject 3 A.K.A Winters Shadow had an out burst when we put The Winter Soldier back into Cryo. Unsure what will happen.

⦁DAY 48: IV had to be placed. Winters Shadow eats very little and refuses to drink. Have to be careful and cautious around Winters Shadow She will kick and Bite.

⦁Year 17: Winters Shadow will be placed in Cryo awaiting proper use. whether it is for a mission or the long awaited Super Soldier breeding program. Winter Shadow is full trained in hand to hand combat and highly skilled with weapons.

NAME:A. RogersHEIGHT: 5' 4"


SEX: FemaleHAIR COLOR: Strawberry Blonde

WEIGHT: 125 lbs

EXPERIMENTS/TESTS: Tread mill: doesn't seem top tire out. After 6 months trouble sleeping.

RELATIVES: Steve Rogers and Peggy Rogers

WEAPONS: Daggers, Firearms, Bow and Arrow. Excellent at hand to hand combat.

LABS: Bloodwork shows Super Soldier Serum.

NOTES: Winters Shadow makes an excellent candidate for the new Winter Soldier breeding program.

Bucky looks up and whispers " Jesus."

Bucky shuts the file and looks out the window.

Sam holds out his hand. " May I?"

Bucky shakes his head and hands the file to Sam. " Yeah....uh prepare yourself."

Bucky continues to look out the window. " She was at one of the Hydra bases with me."

Zemo grins. " Yes, she was going to be the key to the Winter Soldier breeding program."

Bucky glares at Zemo " What? it said candidate not key."

Zemo keeps grinning. " They tried many experiments, They tried Surrogates and giving small doses of the serum to the fetuses each month none survived."

"The babies?" Sam looks up.

" Both, They would loose both the surrogate and the baby. They tried other ways too clones and then there was two other Super Soldiers in the program. Lost the female when the Male lost his tempur." Zemo looks at his nails.

" You think that they would have given up." Sam sighs.

"They almost did until the rumor of Steve Rogers Captain America himself had children." Zemo explains.

Bucky looks over at Zemo." Why just her and not the boys too."

Zemo shrugs " Related to her, to much of a risk with all three. Plus they already had two Super Soldier males at the time."
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