Saving Aurora

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Bucky shifts and starts towards the container opening the door slowly. " It's empty."

They all step in and Zemo points. " Looks like a door at the back."

They head through the door going down a flight of stairs. Sam whispers. "Well this doesn't scream scary movie at all."

Bucky shakes his head. " Only you can be sarcastic as we enter a Hyrda base."

Sharon leading the way stops and listens." Shhh I hear something."

They all stop and listen. Music can be heard coming from a room and talking.

Voice 1: "John we need to sedate her again she is waking up."

John: " Not so soon it may kill her Alexander."

Alexander: " It is wearing off to fast."

John:" Well do you have what you need?"

Alexander: " I still need blood samples."

A very groggy Aurora. " P-p-please stop."

Alexander: " Oh but we can't we are only getting -started my dear."

Aurora shakes her head eyes still heavy she closes them a single tear slipping out.

Sharon turns to three men. " You will let me do all of the talking if you want to get her out alive."

Bucky tightens his fist." Fine."

Sharon rounds the corner with Bucky Sam and Zemo close behind.

John looks up. " Well hello Sharon who are the extras?"

Sharon stops and pointing to Bucky. " That's my muscle The Winter Soldier the rest are back up."

Sam looks at Sharon and furrows his eye brows mumbling. " Huh back up."

Zemo pipes up. " Actually I may be interested in investing."

Bucky stands there clenching his fists. Giving a death glare to the Hydra agents.

Alexander stares at Bucky nervously. " I remember him... you do have full control over him right?"

Sharon rolls her eyes. " Yes of course now you may want to take any samples before she is fully awake."

John shoots Sharon a look and points to Zemo." Hold her legs."

Zemo walks over and gently places his hands on Aurora's legs and shoots Sharon Sam and Bucky a look.

Alexander stretches out her left arm preparing to draw her blood. Aurora forces her eyes open a little and lets out a whimper before they close again.

Bucky shifts and takes a small step forward, John looks over. " Thought you have control Sharon."

" I do even he has to adjust the way he stands. " Sharon shakes her head.

As Alexander puts the needle to Aurora's arm she musters all of the strength as she can while under sedation. She kicks Zemo in the gut sending him backwards into the wall. Moving her arm she grabs Alexander's throat almost crushing his windpipe.

Aurora lets go of Alexander unable to move. Bucky starts to walk over John looks at Bucky and runs over to Aurora tossing her over his shoulder.

In the chaos Aurora had grabbed a scalpel from the try beside the table she was on. Being slung over John's shoulder her head spinning and her world upside down. She slams the Scalpel into John's back hitting his kidney. As his knees buckle he lets go of Aurora dropping her to the concrete floor. Aurora lets out a small groan as she hits the floor.

Sam gasps and Bucky starts to run over to Aurora. Alexander now up beats Bucky to her as he bends down to pick her up. She opens her eyes blinking a few times. Alexander gets closer as he does Aurora lifts her hand quickly grabbing Alexander's face and head butting him hard. Alexander stood dazed before falling over.

Aurora groans trying to sit up unable to fully before falling back down to the floor. Bucky walks over and gently picks her up. Aurora lets out a small sound. " P-Please no more."

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