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Aurora looks down and nods." A little."

Sam takes a step closer to her and she walks backwards keeping Sam in her sight. " You were in the photos my dad showed me too. " Sam holds his hands up and stops and nods." I was a good friend of your dads." He points to the kitchen table. " There is a bag on the kitchen table with some clothes I think they will fit you."

Aurora glances at the table and back at Sam. " thank you." She looks back to the ground and fidgets with the knife in her hands."

Zemo moves back to the couch slowly." This must be over whelming and confusing."

Aurora looks up and walks over to the table grabbing the bag going into the bedroom. She shuts the door and slides down the door leaning against it as she sheds a few tears. A knock on the door brings her back from her thoughts. " Aurora.... Doll? I made you something to eat." Bucky stands at the door."

" T-thank you I will be out in a minute." She stands and goes through the bag Sam left. She finds something decent to change into. She makes her way out of the bedroom standing at the kitchen counter eating the sandwich.

Sam watches from the couch." You can have a seat so you are more comfortable."

She speaks between bites." Thank you but I am ok I can see everything from here."

Bucky and Sam sigh. Sam speaks up." She acts like a soldier that has been to war."

Bucky replies." That is how we were trained. Keep all entrances and exits in sight if possible. Watch for any threat to the mission."

Aurora stands up straighter and looks at Bucky. " They...they called you The Winter Soldier." She looks away then back to Bucky." They called me Winter's Shadow."

Bucky stops and looks at her." That's what the Hydra files say."

Aurora sips her juice and rubs her temple " I remember that for a long time I would refuse to do anything even when they beat me. Then they got frustrated and threw me in your cell. I think they thought you would kill their problem."

Bucky flinches." I remember them throwing a little girl in my cell telling me to have fun and then threw in a knife."

Aurora looks down." But you didn't kill me. Why?"

Bucky looks at her." I picked up the knife and saw the look in your eyes. It looked so failure and I couldn't hurt you."

She nods putting her plate and cup in the sink. Bucky stands walking up to her. " I don't want you to be scared but I think we should take you to Bruce to have you checked out." Sam stands on the other side of the counter.

Aurora fidgets with her hands shakes a little." No doctors or needles, no more tubes." She panics a little.

Bucky gently grabs her shoulders and pulls her close. She pulls back a little he pulls her closer and wraps his arms around her in a warm hug. " Doll doctor Banner is a good guy he only wants to help. He is a friend of mine and of your dad."

She nods while being held tight against him." Ok."

Zemo can you make arrangements for a flight home?" Sam asked

" Consider it already done." Zemo smiled.

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