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Bucky falls asleep thinking over all the information they had. He rollson to his and drifts off.

Sam tried to find a comfortable position on the couch before sleep finally over took him.

A few hours later Bucky tosses and turns having a nightmare. This one was different from the HYDRA/Winter Soldier ones he usually has. He was standing in the hall looking into lab at the Avengers Compound, watching Bruce looking at the vitals of someone in a cryo tube. Like the one he was in at HYRDA and at Wakanda. He walks in to see who was in there but Bruce seemed to always be just in the way. He slightly catches a glimpse of strawberry blonde hair. He begins to ask Bruce who that is when alarms sound and he is pushed out of the room.

He watches as Bruce opens the cryo tube pulling out Aurora and starting CPR. Bucky wakes up breathing hard. He sits up trying to figure out what the he'll the dream was about.

Sam wakes up to Bucky's loud gasp and walks to his room knocking on the door." Dude are you good?"

Trying to catch his breath Bucky responds. " Yeah  weird dream about the compound lab."

" Oh, okwell goodnight." Sam turns to go back to the living room.

Bucky opens the door and Sam turns back around. " Aurora was at the Compound  in cryo tube in my dream."

" I am sure it was just a dream." Sam rubs his face.

Bucky turned around " yeah maybe." shutting the door behind him. Laying back down unable to fall back asleep. Sam made his way back to the couch falling asleep almost immediately.

After a few hours Bucky made his way to the kitchen and started making breakfast. Sam woke up to the smell of coffee, bacon, eggs and pancakes.

" Wow I didn't know you could cook. Look at you being a domestic and stuff." Sam says impressed.

" I have always been able to." Bucky responds putting a plate in front of Sam. " I think we need to go see Banner."

Sam chokes on his coffee" Think that's a good idea?"

" I can't shake the dream what if it was more?" Bucky takes a bite of eggs.

" I guess it wouldn't hurt." Sam looks up and nods.

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