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Bucky kisses her cheek keeping her close. They hear Sam and Steve in a small heated discussion. Aurora Kisses Bucky and walks inside and whisper yells. " Hey boys, you wake the babies you get to put them back to sleep."

Steve sighs." Sorry sweetheart."

Sam rubs the back of his neck." Sorry we will keep it down."

Aurora tilts her head." What are you two arguing about anyways?"

They both sigh and Steve answers." If we came back to soon."

"surveillance said they haven't seen anything of concern for the last three months. Plus we have cameras outside and a link to Friday." She looks at both of them.

Sam nods." That is what i said."

Aurora looks at Steve." Dad?"

Steve sighs." Can we trust the people doing the surveillance?"

Dad, Bruce was part of the team to make sweeps of the property and he watched the cameras." She raises her eyebrows.

Steve nods." Well if Bruce said it was ok I trust his judgment."

" Everything will be fine." She gives her dad a hug." I'm going to go laydown awhile while they nap."


" Buck....Love?" Aurora calls down stairs

" Yes Baby?" Bucky calls out.

" Can you help me get the twins ready for their party?"

Bucky goes up to help get the twins ready for their birthday party. " I can't believe they are a year old already." Aurora smiles at little Natasha tickling her and making her giggle.

" I know it went so fast. So when should we try for number three?" He smirks.

" Buck love of my life we will discuss that later." She smiles.

Steve walks in." Are my grandbabies ready for their party?"

" All set are we ready to head down?" Bucky picks up little Steve.

They all head down to the living room. They greeted all of their guest. Bruce and Shuri walk up with their hands out. Shuri takes Little Steve and Bruce takes little Natasha.

" I will bring in their gifts." Steve smiles.

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