A Since Of Normalcy

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" Ok Doll. I will go start breakfast." He picks her up and lays her back down on the bed. He walks out to the kitchen suddenly stopping to look at the couch in the living room giving a chuckle seeing Wanda and Sam cuddled up together.

Sam stirs as he smells coffee and bacon giving a small smile as he looks down seeing Wanda cuddled up to him. Bucky speaks up making Sam jump a little." So when did this happen?" Bucky points with the spatula between Sam and Wanda.

" When did what happen? we fell asleep during the movie." Sam said quickly.

Wanda stirred a little more looking up at Sam smiling softly before moving." Sorry for falling asleep on you."

Sam stops her " It's perfectly ok." They smile at each other.

Bucky raises an eyebrow and shakes his head." Uh huh."

Aurora quietly makes her way to the kitchen watching Bucky flip pancakes. She looks at Bucky's metal arm and glances to the the magnets on the fridge. She grins grabbing a few magnets and places them on Bucky's arm." What the " Bucky turns around seeing her giggle." Having fun Doll?" She nods and runs into the living room. Bucky sighs and takes the magnets off and puts them back on the fridge.

Aurora stops and looks at Sam and Wanda smiling." Good morning."

Wanda sits up and makes her way to the bathroom." Good morning sweetie."

Sam sits up." Good morning smalls did you sleep ok."

She nods and sits on the couch cuddling with a pillow. Bucky calls from the kitchen." Breakfast is ready."

Sam stretches as he stands and walks to the kitchen." Smells amazing."

Bucky makes his way into the living room and kneels in front of Aurora." I made you a plate if you want to eat." She keeps hugging the pillow and smiles." Thank you." She goes to the kitchen grabbing her plate and sitting next to Sam.

Wanda comes out and makes a plate sitting on the other side of Sam." So do we have anything planned for today?"

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