A Safe Place

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Aurora blinks and looks around seeing Zemo she glares at him. She sees Sharon still glaring and flips her off. Her eyes close for a moment " Hey Doll stay with me." Bucky say quietly.

Aurora opens her eyes again seeing Sam she tilts her head. Then she looks up at Bucky. " I-I know you.. My dad showed me pictures of you and him." She points to Sam. " W-where is my dad?" Aurora closes her eyes loosing the fight to stay conscious.

Bucky and Sam look at each other and sigh. Bucky carries Aurora up the stairs and exits the container making his way to the truck.

Sam grabs Sharon's arm and escorts her up the stairs. " We will be handing you over to Shield."

As they exit the container Sharon breaks free and starts to run. Sam takes off after her trying to catch her. Zemo steps out from around another container raising a gun tagging Sharon in the leg.

Sharon hits the ground Sam catching up. " Well was it worth it?" Sam makes Sharon stand up and takes her to the truck.

As they all sit in the truck Sam asks" So where do we go?"

Zemo speaks up "I have a safe place until the plane is ready."

Bucky adjusts still holding Aurora and says quietly. " So drop us off a few blocks away and then you can take Sharon to meet with Shield somewhere else."

Sam starts to drive. "Sounds like a plan."

Bucky and Zemo head to Zemo's safe house. " You can lay her down in here." Zemo leads Bucky into a huge bedroom.

Zemo pulls back the covers on the bed and Bucky lays Aurora down pulling the covers over her. Bucky tucks a stray piece of hair behind her ear and walks out with Zemo.

Zemo starts to make some tea and stares at Bucky. "What?" Bucky slowly looks over as he sit on the couch.

" Nothing....tea?" Zemo offers.

" Sure." Bucky sighs.

Bucky and Zemo sit in silence as they drink their tea. Aurora slowly wakes up and looks around realizing she wasn't in a cell or strapped down. She slowly gets up and makes her way to the door quietly opening it and peeking through the crack.

She could see two men sitting. The first one sipping from a cup wearing a dark turtle neck. He seemed familure Flicking her gaze to the other man all she can see is a metal arm and his short dark hair.

Aurora quietly opens the door more slipping out seeing the kitchen, She makes her way quietly to the kitchen. She grabs one of the butcher knives and stops as she hears a door open.


After dropping Bucky and Zemo off a few streets away he calls Shield and set up a pick up near a park.

Sharon struggles in the back seat." This is really uncomfortable Sam."

"They are handcuffs they aren't supposed to be comfortable. " Sam rolls his eyes.

" Come on you can trust me just take them off." Sharon whines.

" No and that is why you have them on I don't trust you never have."

Sharon rolls her eyes. Sam pulls in to the parking lot to the park and meets with the Shield agents handing Sharon over." Looks like you may spend sometime time on the RAFT."

After finishing up the paperwork Sam heads back to the safe house. He pulls into the driveway. He rubs his face and slowly gets out of the truck heading in.


Sam walks in. " Man Sharon is a handful." He says walking in and standing in front of Zemo and Bucky. " How's our guest?

Bucky sips his tea. "Sleeping."

Sam looks up and puts his hands up slowly and points behind Bucky. " You sure about that man?"

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