Back at Bucky's

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As they drive up they see Wanda picking up one of the guys with her powers and slamming him to the ground. Sam runs towards Wanda helping to take out another guy. Bucky looks for Aurora suddenly he sees her. She jumps on top of one of the cars taking a knife from her belt throwing it and hitting one of the guys in the chest Bucky stops. " Wow."

Aurora sees Bucky and jumps down grabbing the knife from the mans chest and runs to Bucky pushing him to the side as she stabs one of the other guys in the chest. She stands there looking down then looks at her hands seeing all the blood.

Bucky turns her around." Are you ok Doll?"

She keeps looking at her hands and nods. Bucky lifts her face to look at her." You did what you had to." She stares into Bucky's eyes and then back down to her hands before looking around seeing the two men she took down. "They made me this way...."

" Hey Doll focus on me, You had to protect yourself." Bucky reassures her." Hey guys we need to get her back to my place I think she is in shock."

Sam nods " Lets go Wanda can you call this in."

Wanda nods " I will meet you back at the apartment." She hands Aurora's bags to Sam and looks before calling Shield.

When they made it back to the apartment Aurora made her way to the bathroom shutting the door and turning on the shower. She undresses and sits on the floor of the shower as she let her tears flow silently. After about 20 minutes Bucky knocks on the door." Aurora are you ok?"

She answers with a shaky voice." Yeah."

Bucky puts his hand on the door." Can I come in?"

She closes her eyes and turns off the water stands up and grabs a towel wrapping it around herself then sits back down on the shower floor Pulling her knees up to her chest." Yeah."

Bucky comes in seeing her." Oh Doll." He picks her up and holds her in his lap as he sits on the edge of the tub. Sam peeks in." She ok?" Bucky looks at him and shakes his head a little." Doll do you want to go to sleep?" Aurora nods and Bucky carries her to the bedroom sitting her down on the bed. " You get changed I will be in the kitchen."

She changes and puts her hair up and she Curls up on the bed. Wanda walks into the kitchen " Well that was a day."

Bucky looks at her." I said something was going to happen."

Wanda looks at Sam and he shakes his head." Well what about a movie?" Sam suggests.

" That sounds great." Wanda chirps.

" I am going to go check on her." Bucky walks out making his way to the bedroom. He opens the door seeing her curled up her eyes closed her breathing steady and even. He pulls the covers over her and sits on the edge of the bed next to her. She stirs a little and reaches out grabbing the hem of Bucky's shirt.

Bucky smiles softly and moves the blankets picking her up and laying down on top of him. She stays curled up as he holds her and drifts off to sleep. After about a half hour Wanda peeks in to tell them the movie was starting. She stops with a big grin and quietly shuts the door going back to the living room.

Sam puts a bowl of popcorn on the coffee table." Where are they?"

Wanda with a big grin." They fell asleep." She sits down next to Sam." Hey Sam I just wanted to thank you for all the grief counseling you gave me it really helped." She smiles up at him.

Sam looks at Wanda and smiles." You're welcome I am happy to help. Just remember I am here to talk or even to have a movie night or just to hang out."

Wanda smiles and toss some popcorn at Sam." Lets start the movie."

Sam looks at Wanda starting the movie grabbing a handful of popcorn and sitting back. Wanda picks up the bowl of popcorn scooting closer to him. Sam glances at Wanda then back to the Movie. Half way through the movie Wanda looks at him." What?"

Sam shakes his head " Nothing."

" Do I have something on my face?" Wanda wipes her mouth.

" Nope " Sam smiles.

"Then why are you staring ?" Wanda raises a brow.

Sam looks back to the TV hiding a grin." No reason."

" Don't make me go inside that bird brain of yours." Wanda giggled.

" You wouldn't." Sam laughed

" Or would I ?" Wanda grins.

Thirty minutes later the movie was done. Sam looked at Wanda she fell asleep against him during the movie. Her head leaning against his shoulder. He shifts leaning back and she moves in her sleep now laying her head on his chest. He smiles and wraps his arm around her shoulder drifting off.

Aurora shifts still cuddled on top of Bucky pulling the blanket over her head to keep out the light that was shining through the curtains. Bucky opens his eyes running his fingers up and down her back," You hungry Doll?"

She stretches and realizes she was on top of Bucky, She blushes and nods her head." Yeah....Starved."

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