Talking to Banner

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After eating they get ready and head over to the compound. They pull up and park. They both get out of the truck and look at the building  before heading in. When they get to the lab they see Banner logging information into one of the computers.

" Hey Banner." Sam says

A little startled Bruce looks up. " Oh! Hey guys how are you?"

" Decent." Bucky looks up at Banner.

" Doing good man." Sam replies.

Still looking at Bucky. " What can I help you with?"

Bucky keeps staring at Bruce. " Has there ever been cryotubes here at the lab or in the compound?"

" Dude way to ease in." Sam sighs.

Bruce stands up straight  and shifts a little. " I-I do t know. "

Bucky leans against a table."Come on Banner you are a crap lier."

Bruce sighs " Yes there are two, we planned for Shuri to come here to help with your deprogramming. But Wakanda was safer."

" Why two?" Sam asks looking a Bruce.

" Just in case one failed." Bruce looks away.

" Have you used them?" Buck stares at Bruce.

"A few times." Bruce sighs

Bucky looks at Sam then back to Bruce. "When and for who?"

" Tony was one, we were hoping to keep him in cryo till we could find a way to save him." Bruce plays with his glasses.

Sam nods" who else?"

Bruce shifts and picks up some files.

Bucky asks calmly " Banner who else?"

Bruce messes with the files in his hands and clears his throat.

Bucky slams his hands down on  Bruce's desk. " Who else?"

Bruce jumps slightly." I don't recall her name. She had to been in her 20's. Tony and Cap brought her here."

Sam and Bucky share a glance. " What happened to her?"

" Not sure, we had a breach in security some people came in and tore up the place and she was gone." Bruce explained. " No footage on the cameras. looks like they were hacked shutting all security down."

Bucky sighs." Do you have a file on the girl?"

Bruce looks at the file cabinet. " I might if it wasn't taken when she was." Bruce rumages through one of the drawers. "Ahhh! Here."

Bucky takes the file and opens it. " Sam look, It's her why was she here?" Bucky keeps reading.

"Why would Cap bring his grand daughter  here and why cryo?" Sam shakes his head.

Still looking at the file. "There are pages missing. But there is a part here that mentions HYDRA no elaboration. It skips from page 3 to page 6."

Bruce furrows his eye brows. " Cap has a grand daughter?"

Sam looks up "he didn't say anything?"

" He never said grand daughter." Bruce sighs.

Bucky taps Sam on the arm and points to the paper. " He isn't listed as her grand father." Has anyone looked at Steve's house?"


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