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Bucky puts his head in his hands. " Did they actually start the breeding program?"

" They attempted once with her and the other Male but once he got close to her she killed him." Zemo shrugs.

" I bet that pissed Hyra off." Sam looks up.

" It did that's why they kept you in cryo James and then put her under."

Bucky sighs and shakes his head. " So why Madripoor?"

" There may be someone useful that knows where she was put after her last rescue. The one I think took her to try and reboot the program." Zemo explains.

" Great." Bucky sits back.

" We will need to go under cover. Sam you will take the place of a well known leader. James you will have to pretend to be The Winter Soldier." Zemo smiles.

Bucky Shifts in his seat and rolls his eyes.

" You good man?" Sam asks concerned.

" Yeah, No problem." Bucky sits up.

" Good get ready we land in 20." Zemo opens the duffle bag and pulls out outfits for all of them. " Lets hope Aurora is still under."

Bucky glances from the clothes to Zemo. " Why?"

" She is as dangerous as you James. You trained her." Zemo raises an eyebrow.

" Shit." Bucky goes to change.

Sam remembering the fight on the bridge all those years ago against Bucky when he was The Winter Soldier. " This is going to be really rough."

Sam and Bucky switch places. Bucky flipping a knife before putting it in the holster on his right thigh.

" Believe it or not James I want to help you guys get her back." Zemo puts on his jacket.

"Why?" Bucky sits back down.

" I was never a supporter of that program. They already had samples of yours and Steve's blood containing the Serum. If they needed more they have hers as well." Zemo explains.'

The pilot's voice comes over the speakers. " We have begun our decent welcome to Madripoor."

Bucky looks at Sam. "Lets go."

All three leave the plane heading to the car that awaited.

" Where to?" Sam asks

" Lower Madripoor to gather info." Zemo Smiles.

"Perfect." Bucky grumbles.

They walk into a local club and head to the bar. People are stopping to stare at Bucky.

Zemo talks to the Bartender." We need to speak with Selby."

The bartender pours some shots. "Selby isn't seeing anyone tonight." He places the shots infront of Zemo and Sam as Bucky scans the room.

A man pushes through the crowd and stands close to Zemo putting his hand on his shoulder. " You aren't welcome here." Bucky stares at the man. Zemo glances at Bucky and gives a command to attack in Russian.

Bucky grabs the mans arm and with his Vibranium hand grabs his throat throwing him to the ground. Another man rushes Bucky. Bucky steps out of the way grabbing the man and slamming him against the bar. Zemo smiles. "Molodets soldat ( Well done Soldier)

Bucky lets the man go and looks at Zemo with a glare.

Sam looks at Bucky and whispers. " You good?"

Bucky gives a slight nod the bartender turns to them. " Selby will see you now."

They make their way up to Selby's office. Sam and Zemo taking a seat as Bucky stands guard playing the part of The Winter Soldier.

Selby looks from Bucky to Zemo." Long time what do you want?"

" we want to get information on a girl." Zemo looks at Selby.

" What's so special about this girl and what do i get for my time?" Selby asks eyeing Bucky.

" I was thinking of starting The Winter Soldier breeding program again. You would have pick of the litter so to speak. Once she is paired up with my own Winter Soldier." Zemo explains.

Selby glances at Zemo then back to Bucky. " She may not be easy to get to. You will need to talk to the new power broker."

Bucky glances to Zemo keeping in character. Zemo looks at Selby." Where might I find this power broker?"

Selby chuckles. " You don't she finds you."

Selby nods as they all stand to leave.

As Selby stood up, the window breaks as a bullet hits her in the head.

Sam, Bucky and Zemo all look at each other and make a quick exit as gunfire erupts around them. When they hit the back alley the guys stop at a dead end slowly turning as they see three men with guns on motorcycles.

" Shit." Bucky whispers looking around.

All of a sudden all three gun men drop as two snipers appear in the windows of the surrounding buildings.

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