Ready or Not

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They all make their way back to the truck and get back to the compound. They start walking to the medical wing. She stops as a hard contractions hits grabbing Bucky and her dad's arm she gasps and looks down." My water just broke."

After the contraction lets up they continue walking to the medical wing. She stops just outside the doors and grabs onto both of Bucky's arms her grip getting tighter and tries to breath as another contraction hits. " This really bad." She holds her breath.

" Sweetheart you need to breath." Steve rubs her back.

" YOU BREATH." She grumbles letting a breath out.

They walk through the doors of the medical wing Steve runs ahead." Hey can we get some help my daughter is in labor."

Two nurses run out and sit Aurora in a wheel chair and takes her to a room and gets her set up. " Dad can you make sure Bruce is here? I want him to help monitor the babies."

" Sure thing sweetheart." Steve runs out to grab Bruce.

Bucky holds her hand " Isn't it too soon? your two weeks early."

She takes a deep breath." They will be fine my Love, They decide when they are ready."

Bruce and Steve walk in followed by Dr. Cho. She walks up to the monitor measuring her contractions and the babies heart beats. " Hello Mrs. Barnes I am Dr. Cho, Shall we check you?"

Steve and Bruce look at each other." I think we will step outside." Steve pushes Bruce out the door.

Dr. Cho chuckles and exams Aurora." Well seems like you have had an eventful day. Your dad filled me in."

Aurora squeezes Bucky's right hand and stifles a sound of discomfort." Ok Mrs. Barnes lets check to dee how dilated you are."

Dr. Cho checks." Oh! I would say you made it with a little time to spare. You are 100% effaced and 9 cm dilated."

Bucky kisses the top of Aurora's head." Our babies will be her soon Doll."

Another contractions hits hard. Dr. Cho looks at her " Unfortunately you are past the point of being able to get an epidural."

Bucky looks up." Might not have worked anyway she inherited The Super Soldier Serum from Steve."

Trying to breath through the hard contraction she cries out." I WANT MY DAD."

Steve runs in." I am here sweetheart." He takes her other hand and moves some hair that had stuck to her forehead."

" No matter what both of you stay." She squeezes both of their hands.
** Hope everyone is enjoying the story. **

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