Bucky's Apartment

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Bucky smiles and hands her a plate with two slices on it. She takes the plate standing at the island and takes a bite of the pizza." This is amazing."

Sam chuckles." You can sit down if you want to there are plenty of seats on this side."

She moves and sits next to Sam and across from Bucky. She relaxes a little enjoying the food. There is a knock on the door. She tenses up and glances around just in case to make an escape plan." Aurora it's ok stay with Sam I will see who it is." Bucky makes his way to the door.

Bucky opens the door." How did you know where I live."

Wanda glances past Bucky." Read your mind at the compound. Sharon escaped during transport."

" Wanda I said to stay out of my head. What do you mean she escaped?" Bucky glanced behind him.

" They were transferring her to a more secure location and there was an accident the van flipped and she escaped." Wanda explained.

Aurora stiffened hearing Wanda. Sam walked over to Bucky and Wanda." Should be safe Sharon doesn't know where you live."

Aurora quietly makes her way to the bedroom looking around. Grabbing a backpack tossing clothes and some essentials in. She stops a moment looking at the window thinking to herself. 'I can make the jump and be ok.'

Bucky standing quietly in the doorway." Where are you going Doll?"

She spins around." I told you they will find me. I need to go so you guys will be safe."

Bucky sighs and walks up to her putting his hand on her shoulder sliding the backpack off." We will all be ok you aren't going anywhere. I promise I will protect you."

Sam chimes in from the hall." I will to."

Wanda from the kitchen after taking a bite of pizza." You can count on me."

" See Doll you're safer with us." Bucky smiles

Aurora looks down." I don't want you to get hurt because of me."

Bucky puts a finger under her chin and raises her face meeting her eyes." Everything will be ok. We will be ok I promise."

She looks into his eyes and sighs." Don't make promises you can't keep."

Bucky sighs and hugs her tight looking back at Sam. Sam walks closer and looks at Aurora." Hey smalls don't worry we got you."

Wanda stands in the doorway and smiles at Sam and looks at Bucky." Should we find a safe house?"

" We can look into one but I think we are ok for now. No one besides you and Sam know where I live." Bucky looks back at Wanda.

Wanda nods." Well I think I should take Aurora shopping and get her some clothes that actually fit her."

Bucky stiffens." Maybe we should all go."

Wanda grins." No we will be ok, I think we need a girls day."

Aurora looks up at Bucky with a smile." We will be safe.....Please?"

Bucky looks from Aurora to Wanda and lets out a low groan in frustration." Ok but if anything feels off leave immediately."

Wanda squeals and walks over to Aurora grabbing her hand." This will be so much fun."

Bucky looks at Wanda." I mean it anything feels off..."

Wanda looks at Bucky." I will take good care of her everything will be fine."

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