Found Sharon

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Sharon appears from around the corner. " What are you three doing here?" Sharon glares.

" We are looking for some information on a missing person." Sam glares back.

Sharon tilts her head. " Who is missing person?"

" Nope not doing this out in the open." Bucky snaps.

Sharon rolls her eyes. " Fine I have somewhere we can go. By the way what is he doing here?" Sharon points to Zemo.

" He is helping." Sam says quietly. " He is going back to prison when we are done."

They reached Sharon's house and stand in the living room looking around. " Have a seat anyone want something to drink?" Sharon offers.

" I will take a tea." Zemo answers.

Sam and Bucky both decline.

" So who is the missing person?" Sharon asks playing with her glass.

Bucky looks up. " Someone you may know. Actually it seems you were the last one to know where she was."

Sharon shifts nervously hoping no one notices." Oh and who would that be?"

Zemo grins noticing Sharon's nervousness. " something bothering you Sharon?"

Sharon shoots Zemo a glare and shakes her head.

Sam looks at Sharon. " You should know her she is family....your family. A cousin I believe."

Sharon plays more with the glass in her hand. " I told Shield and the police everything i know."

Zemo lets out a huff." What if I said I have video of you taking her out of cryo?"

Bucky and Sam give Zemo a look.

" You have nothing." Sharon scoffs." There were no cameras working at the time she went missing."

Zemo chuckles." If you say so."

Sharon rolls her eyes and stands leaving the room.

Bucky walks over to Zemo. "Do you really have video?"

Zemo grins. "Maybe."

Bucky grabs the cup from Zemo's hand and throws it out of frustration at the wall behind Zemo.

" I want to see it." Bucky says walking away.

Zemo stares at Bucky wide eyed." I will see what i can do."

Sam walks up behind Zemo. " I wouldn't piss him off."

"Noted." Zemo sat back down.

Sam caught up with Sharon." Hey you know something so spill."

Sharon spins around." Promise Bucky won't kill me?"

" Can't make that promise." Sam sighed.

" I created the way for someone to get to Aurora but I don't know who took her." Sharon whispers.

" You let someone you don't know come in and take your cousin?" Sam questioned." Come on Sharon that is messed up even for you."

" They paid really well and said she wouldn't be hurt and would be brought back in a few weeks." Sharon explained.

Bucky comes into the room." I think you have more to do with this then you are saying."

" I swear that's all I know." Sharon explains.

" I don't believe you." Bucky turns leave." She comes with us."

Sam sighs." Come on you're coming with us."

" They will kill all of us." Sharon yells.

Bucky yells back." We will see, They can try."

Bucky grabs Sharon's arm and pulls her as they all leave the house putting her in the back between himself and Zemo." So Sharon who paid you off?"

Sharon looks away and mumbles." Hyrda, at least people who used to work for them."

Bucky shoots a death glare at Sharon." What do they want with her?"

Sharon keeps looking away from Bucky not answering, Bucky grabs her arm causing her to look at him." what do they want with her?"

" Something about the Super Soldier Serum." Sharon whispers.

Bucky lets her arm go looking into the mirror at Sam. Sharon pulls out her phone and Bucky grabs it." What are you doing?"

" I think I still have the number for one of their contacts." Sharon glares.

" Which one is it and I will send a text." Bucky rolls his eyes.

Zemo gives a small chuckle watching Bucky and Sharon bicker back and forth. Sam looks in the mirror to the back seat. " What?"

Zemo look at Sam." Nothing enjoying the entertainment."

Sharon shows Bucky which number." Might be better to call it." Sam suggests.

"Fine." Bucky sighs. " Dial it and put it on speaker and no tipping them off."

Sharon raises a eye brow."Fine."

Bucky hits the call button and puts it on speaker handing the phone over to Sharon.

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