College life

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We arrived at the campus and pulled into a driveway. We got out of the cars and looked at the rental house. While my brothers, Leokadia, and I grabbed our bags, Dad and Grandpa grabbed a tool and plastic bags.

Dad unlocked the door, and we carried our stuff inside and up to our rooms. I set my bags down and checked out the room. Someone tapped my shoulder. I turned around to see Dad standing there. "Why does the rental house have furniture?"

"Your grandparents ordered the furniture and had it delivered before everyone arrived. Dad and I are going to accommodate the house. Did you need anything?"

I shook my head. Dad left the bedroom and headed downstairs. I opened my bags, unpacked my stuff, and set up my laptop. I noticed there wasn't a wifi signal and came downstairs. "Dad?"

Dad was helping Grandpa install a doorbell. "Yeah?"

"We don't have wifi."

My brothers started down the stairs but stopped.

"The cable installer will be here in a few days to install a modem."

"But I need to check my email."

"Use your phone."

"It's not the same."

"Pat, you can use your phone until the installer arrives."

"Elias, check to see if the doorbell flashes," Grandpa said.

Dad nodded and stepped back as Grandpa pressed the button.

"Dad, I need to check my email."

Dad gathered his tools and bags. "Patrick, use your phone."

I pressed my lips together and clenched my fists. Dad and grandpa installed flashing smoke detectors, along with a carbon monoxide detector.

"This is bullshit!" I said.

My dad and grandpa stopped and looked at me.

"I need my email, and you expect me to use my phone."

Dad walked towards the steps. "Patrick, the internet isn't a priority. Accommodating the house for you is. What has gotten into you?"

"Oh, Pat needs to have special treatment," Rafe said.

Dad pointed at Rafe. "Raphael, I swear to God. If you don't shut your trap, you won't survive college." Dad turned his attention to me. "Patrick, if you need wifi, I suggest you go to a coffee shop."

I rolled my eyes, shook my head, and stomped up the stairs. I packed up my laptop and left.


I shook my head and returned to helping Dad. I didn't need this shit while accommodating the house.

"What's up with Pat?" Dad asked me.

"I don't know. Pat's letting his insecurity with his deafness rule his life. How did you do it with me?"

"I didn't raise you to use your deafness as a crutch. A child can have a disability and still live a normal life."

"Yeah, but it's not only his disability."

"Then what is it?"

"Pat distrusts people besides his brothers and Leokadia. And we even had issues when Leokadia arrived."

"Well, Pat will learn not everyone will coddle him because of his deafness. He's twenty. It's time for him to deal with people whether he likes it."

The Harper Brothers: College Life (Wattpad Version)Where stories live. Discover now