Chapter 54: Love?

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Clara's POV:

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Clara's POV:

When we got home Francesco went to his room but go out sitting on a bench by the sea.

I think I have feelings for Francesco. It's love isn't it? Damn me.

An old lady comes sitting by my side.

"Ma'am have you ever been in love?" I ask her.

"Oh darling if I haven't my life would've been so miserable and wasted." She says with a giggle I smile.

"How is it like?" I ask. She chuckles.

"Well he is always on mind even if I don't want to. Darling I've been with him for sixty years of course my experience would be different. I would sacrifice myself for him in a heartbeat. He is grown inside of me. He is a part of me. I've spent sixty years with him and still is not enough." She says shaking her head.

"It has physical effects as well my heart would beat faster whenever I was around him. The whole butterfly thing is true believe me." She says with a giggle.

I do believe her cause I've felt it as well.

"At first I was too stubborn to accept but after I did my life was never the same. It's like letting the magic in." She says smiling.

"How did you know he was the right one?" I ask.

"There isn't the right one. Don't make rules about love. That's what's amazing about it, no rules. With love everything is possible. No race, no gender, no religion, no class distinctions, no age and no height just the magical feeling of love. If it decides to bless you it doesn't care about none of those things. It doesn't matter who you are all it matters is your feelings." She says with a smile.

"How do you think I fall for my Edmond. He was our schools bad boy and I was just a shadow. The nerd. Cliche? It doesn't matter cause it's my cliche. Who would've thought. You know how was our first talk? He pushed me to the floor by accident. I had a sprained ankle for a while. At first I hated him but our principle forced him to take car of me as his punishment. Ah those days. They passed in a blur. So fast." She says with a chuckle.

"How lovely." I say with a smile.

"Thank you." She says with a smile. She looks so sweet. With silver hair and blue eyes. You can see the shine in her eyes every time she speaks about her lover.

So this is love? Whatever it is, is an emotion I am willing to experience.

"Honey let's go." An old man says coming to her.

"It's him." She whispers with a blush. I smile at her.

"If you ever fell in love don't give up or let your love go. Grab it before it's too late. Life is too short." She says with a sigh getting up while holding the hands of her lover. I smile as she waves goodbye at me. I wave back.

So am I in love? I am not ready am I?
I shake my head getting up going home.


I make some food after taking shower and changing into something comfortable.

I was eating when Francesco joined me in the kitchen.

"Hi." I say to Francesco.

"Hi." He says.

"How you doing?" He asks.

"Fine how about you?" I ask with a smile.

"Fine." He replies taking a seat. I seat next to him.

"Where were you?" He asks kissing my temple. I gulp. Kissed my temple? I gulp again.

"By the beach." I swallow and reply he nods.

He stares at me.

I feel something moves inside of me. Oh my god no. No no. I put a hand over my heart. Butterflies? What the hell is going on?

"Are you alright?" He asks. I nod. I am sure to him I look horrified. Like I've seen a ghost.

I close my eyes for a second. Come on Clara come back to your senses, it's just Francesco a moody asshole. Nope not working.

"Are you sure?" He asks, skeptical.

"Yes." I whisper.

"You look like you are having a heart attack." He says. Not a heart attack but close to it. Now that I think about it I prefer a heart attack over this.

"I am fine." I say. Technically I am. Aside from panicking cause I might have feelings for him.

I need to remind myself how mean he is.

"Describe me in one word." I say. Yes that will do. After he says something mean I will come back to my senses.

"What?" He asks.

"Just do it." I usher him.

"Strong." He says without hesitation. Shit.

"Another one." I say.

"Brave. Beautiful. Stubborn." He adds. Fuck me. It's not helping. He is making this harder.

"Ok thanks." I whisper.

"Are you sure..." He asks but I cut him off.

"Yeah yeah I am fine." I say.

"Well if you say so. We need to get ready for tonight." He says with a lazy smile. I nod. And gulp.

No no. My heart is beating faster than usual. Maybe it's just autosuggestion. A deep breath and another one. No it's not helping. How could one who didn't feel for a long time start feeling everything just by someone else's presence?

Francesco stop staring at me like that. Why him? He is moody and rude. I am not the nicest person out there but I am nicer than him. I mean I didn't want nice but not mean like him either.

Maybe that's the point. You can't choose who to develop feelings for. My heart chose him and I have to suffer the consequences.

It's still beating faster than usual. I take a deep breath and close my eyes. Well here we go.

It's official I am in love with Francesco Altieri.

Now what should I do about this? What does he feel about me? Does he even have feelings?

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