Chapter 1: Job interview

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Clara's POV:

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Clara's POV:

Currently I am sitting in a job interview. I think they will hire me, I mean I am the best torturer out there.
My father was one too. He created this girl that I am today. A girl that has many titles such as crazy, psychopath, heartless, cold hearted, ruthless and...

The interview is for one of the most famous mafia out there.

"Clara it's your turn." The woman behind the desk says. I nod knocking and entering.

I take a sit in front of the middle aged man.

"So Clara how are you doing today?" He asks.

"Good thanks." I reply.

"May I ask why did they fire you from your last job? I mean they are a famous mafia they won't risk letting a good employee go. So what was the problem?" He asks.

"You are nothing but a worthless whore." The whore itself says.

I nod with a sadistic smile as I smash her head against the wall and chuckle as she passes out. When I turn around I saw my boss standing there staring at his whore on the floor.
They were having an affair for a while now.

"Oh shit. Well that just happened." I say with a smile but he seems furious. Fuck this.

"Oops. I did what I did. What are you gonna do about it? Suck my dick?" I ask with a smile. He lunches toward me but I knee him where the sun doesn't shine.

"You bitch." He growls.

"That's what she said." I say as I take a glance at her girlfriends body. With that I kick him in the face.

"By the way I resign." I say as I leave.

Well he was going to fire me but I beat him to it. I said it before him and I am sure that I made him feel way worse by taking the pleasure of saying the words I FIRE YOU from him.

The interviewer choked on his coffee.

"So you see I resigned." I say with a smile. The food was shitty so I didn't loose anything. I nod to myself with a smile.

"Yeah. Umm how should I be sure that won't happen here?" He asks.

"Well it's simple don't disrespect me or anger me." I say with a smile.

"But what you did was dangerous, I am sure that they are looking for you." He says.

"They can suck my dick as I told him personally." I say with a smile.

"Well technically they can't even suck my dick cause I don't have any." I whisper to myself thinking about it.

"You have quite an attitude. Why should we hire you?" He asks.

"You can see my resume." I say as I hand him the file.

"You take pictures of all the persons you've murdered and tortured?" He asks. I nod with a smile.

He flips some pages but didn't make it. He starts throwing up in the bin.
Well that's quite disrespectful.

"Again why should we hire you?" He asks.

"Don't. I don't give a fuck and I won't prove myself to anyone." I say as I make my way toward the door.

"Wait. You are hired." He says. I nod with smile.

"You can start tomorrow and you will meet the boss." He says I nod.

Leaving the warehouse going for a drink. On my way to the cafe I felt like someone was following me. I went to an alley, hiding behind the bushes.

A man entered looking for me. I recognize him as one of the workers of my ex boss.

"Where is this bitch?" He whisper to himself. I came out from my hiding spot aiming my gun at his head.

"Speak of the bitch and she doth appear." I say with a smirk and a fake bow. He seems frightened.

"Here to kill me?" I ask he nods and gulps.

"Such a shame I beat you to it." I say as I chuckle.

"So it's true you are crazy." He says. I shrug. He attempts to take his gun but I shot him in the knee. I have a suppressor so there isn't anything to be afraid of.

"Think twice cause I won't." I say and smile.

"You bitch." He says I giggle.

"Say hello to my father." I say as I shot him in the chest near his heart. Then I phone my boss from his phone after using his finger to open the phone.

"Did you kill her?" He asks impatient.

"Yes I did." I say with a masculine voice and giggle.

"You crazy bitch." He growls.

"Didn't you learnt your lesson. Last time you called me that didn't end well." I say pretending to be sad.

"Anyway your time is running out he will die in less than five minutes if you don't come and save him." I say.

"You psychopath." He growls.

"Come on you thought I was that cold hearted to kill him right away." I say and shake my head.

"I will find you an..." He was about to threaten me but I cut him off.

"And suck my dick?" I ask hopeful.

"But I realized something unfortunately you can't even do that cause I don't have a dick." I say disappointed.

"I will fucking mur.." I cut him off.

"Time is up bye." I say as end the phone call. I get up after putting his phone back in it's place but not before cleaning it. No cameras are around. Good.

I come out of the alley and take a deep breath of fresh air. Such a great day.

I enter the coffee shop, ordering coffee and special cake. I smile to myself. Ah days like this, I sigh with a smile.

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