Chapter 10: Alejandro

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Clara's POV:

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Clara's POV:

I wake up with a little headache. I look around I notice I am naked. It's six in the morning. I notice Francesco beside me. His tattooed chest on display. I smile.

"Like what you see?" He asks opening his eyes.

"Yes." I reply. I get up going toward the bathroom with sheets around me.

"Look Clara." His voice stopped me.

"Last night was a mistake I am still your boss and you are my employee." He says.

"Too bad I thought you are up for a quickie." I say as I bite my lower lip and let go of the sheets. He gets up walking toward me I walk back till my back hits the wall.

"You're playing a very dangerous game. Didn't I warn you? That in the end you'll get burned." He whispers.

"I don't care. Actually I like to burn. Burn me." I whisper. He starts kissing me roughly. He is rough and that's what I like about him. He fucks me right there against the wall.

"So tell me Clara has anyone satisfied you like this before?" He asks while getting dressed.

He fucking reached orgasm before me and was about to get up and leave how dare he.

"Where are you going?" I ask.

"None of your business I am done." He says.

"Well I am not." I say.

"Use your hands." He chuckles. I glare at him. I slice his arm open with my dagger.

"What the fuck? You bitch." He growls.

"Take another step and I will kill you." I say pointing my gun at him.

"It's barley a scratch but next time it won't be." I growl.

"What the fuck is your problem." He says.

"Lay down." I say. He gulps and nods.

"I am going to fuck you and if you cum before me I won't hesitate to kill you." I say as I start riding him. I don't fucking care that I am not making sense.

He looks like he is terrified but I could care less. It worked. This is going to be the last time I have sex with a fucking random stranger.

"Umm yes of course." I say. No no no. They were terrible. 

"You're lying." He said.

"Look I only had sex twice before you and they were perfect." I add with a forced smile. If you call a disaster perfect then they were perfect.

"Then go back to them." He says and rolls his eyes. That's technically impossible.

"What do you wanna here? That you are the best? Fuck me more? The problem was from your question not me. It's like I ask was I the tightest hole you put your dick in? Was I a good fuck? Wa..." I was cut off by a knock on the door. I rush to hide in the bathroom but Francesco grabs my hand and forces me to stay.

"You were saying." He says with a smirk.

"Enter." He says. Fuck.

"I hate you." I whisper. He rolls his eyes.

"Oh Clara." Matteo smirks seeing me here. I roll my eyes.

"Did you hide the fingers?" I ask. He nods.

"Good, thank you." I say.

"Please don't involve me in these dirty businesses of yours." He says I roll my eyes.

"You did involved me in yours." I say.

"How did I do that?" He asks.

"By putting a bet on me? Talking about my sex life?" I suggest.

"Well tha..." He was cut off by an annoyed Francesco.

"Enough both of you." He growls.

"What is it?" He asks Matteo.

"You have a meeting in half an hour." Matteo says. Francesco nods.

I leave them saying a small goodbye and not waiting for their reaction.

I got home and took a shower. Not gonna lie washing the scent of him was hard but it most be harder for him cause I'm awesome.

Today is Monday. My day off. Well it seems Matteo hated Mondays so he convinced Francesco to turn Mondays our day off so it will be less painful for him. He thinks he is taking revenge of Mondays. I don't know if that makes sense.

I start watching a movie after practicing and working out.


The next day I got ready and went to the mob house. I hadn't had any breakfast. So I decided to make one for myself cause I am afraid the cook isn't able to cook a great vegan food.

So nobody was in the kitchen and I decided to cook. They look perfect. My pancakes look like life.

"Alejandro you look so cute. The most perfect creature." I say adoring the cutest pancake out there.

Yeah that's a weird habit of mine. I talk to stuff. Naming them, blabbering stuff to them.

Matteo's POV:

I heard Clara talking to someone.

"Alejandro I love it. It's perfect." She moans.

Fuck is she already with someone else? Poor Francesco. It's not like the were in relationship or something but they could've waited a week or so.

At least not in his fucking kitchen. He will kill anyone doing it here.

"Clara good morning." I say as I join her.

"Oh good morning." She replies. I start looking around for someone but no one was here. She isn't on her phone either.

"Umm who were you talking to?" I ask with a smile.

"Uh Alejandro." She replies with a smile.

"Seriously where is he?" I ask.

"Oh you want to meet him?" She asks.

"Well yes if it's ok with you guys." I say.

"Ok Alejandro this Matteo. Matteo Alejandro." She says pointing to a plate.

"Umm you're kidding me right? Alejandro is a plate?" I ask chuckling.

"No you idiot." She says and giggles.

What was I thinking asking that question now she might think I am crazy or something.

"He is the pancake." She says. I froze.

"The what?" I ask after clearing my throat.

"The pancake. Look how round he is." She says. Pointing to the pancake.

Is this a dream? What the fuck? How should I respond to this without getting killed by her? How should anyone react in this situation? My mother hasn't thought me neither my school, I haven't even seen this in a movie or something.

"I am his mother since I created him and Francesco is his father cause he has paid for his supplies so I guess you are his cousin." She says with a smile looking at the pancake adoringly.

"Clara umm are you drunk? Or on something?" I ask unsure. She glares at me.

"Why is that?" She asks.

"Well nothing. Alejandro nice to meet you." I say at the pancake looking at it with a forced smile.

I wish I could turn back time to before this. I wish I could erase my memory. I wish I would've lost my foot and wasn't able to join her in the kitchen. I wish she was fucking someone.

"Umm I have to go to Francesco." I say excusing myself and leaving as soon as possible.

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