Chapter 50: In his arms

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Third person's POV:The day before

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Third person's POV:
The day before...

Francesco arrived home three days later than the time he thought he would arrive.

"Hi." Matteo says greeting him.

"Hi." He replies.

"So where are they?" Matteo asks.

"They stayed there, at their home." Francesco replies.

"Then what about Clara?" Matteo asks.

"What about her? She was here all the time." Francesco says.

"But she didn't come here for her job I even called her a few times her phone was off." Matteo says.

"She is unbelievable. Go to her house and give her her paycheck." Francesco says handing it to Matteo.

"Tell her not to come back." Francesco adds. Matteo nods with a sigh.

Matteo comes back to his office the next morning.

"She wasn't home or didn't open the door." He says handing him the paycheck.

"Then where is she?" Francesco asks.

"I don't know." Matteo shrugs.

"I will go to her tomorrow." Francesco says with a shrug.

"Hope you find her." Matteo says.


Clara's POV:

"What the fuck happened to you?" He asks. At first he was mad but after realizing my condition his expression turned into a soft one.

"Francesco please leave." I say with a trembling voice.

"Clara what happened? Who did this?" He asks.

"I am fine." I say with a smile.

"You are not." He says shaking his head. He hugs me. At first I started to struggle hitting him with my hand but stopped after a few seconds. Plus my stomach hurts after the surgery. I am too tired. I didn't move for a second but then I hugged him back.

"Are you ok?" He asks. I nod.

"You're not." He say shaking his head.

I sniffed only then I realized I am crying. What is wrong with me? Crying here and there.

But it likes I needed to hear that question to break again. It was all it takes to ruin all the broken pieces I put back into the place by force and time.

A question for me to break again.

Hug me so tight till my broken pieces are back together. I wanted to whisper.

After some minutes we pulled apart. He wipes my tears gently. I mean my face is all bruised so he has to be careful. We stare at each other for some minutes till he asks his question again.

"What happened?" He asks.

"They were a lot. All back for revenge. It was like a storm when it was over I had nothing left." I say shaking my head.

"You see the day after the club night I wasn't feeling well so decided to take a walk. I felt dizzy when they smashed something into my head and took me somewhere. I woke up chained to the walls. They were all there. Jason, the guys I stole the files from with you on a mission and many others. I killed them all but it wasn't easy." I say shaking my head.

"I exited going to the streets and passing out. They took me to the hospital and I was there till yesterday." I say.

"Why didn't you call me?" He asks.

"Come on. We weren't on the best terms." I say. He shakes his head.

"What the doctor said about your situation?" He asks. That I lost our little one. Your baby, our baby. I wasn't able to protect it just like the others.

"I had surgery for inner bleeding. I have broken ribs, dislocated leg, sprained ankle and my arm has hairline fracture. Plus some bruises and all." I say shaking my head.

"Do you have anyone to take care of you?" He asks.

"I am capable of taking care of myself." I say with a smile.

"Clara some times is good to have someone to take care of you." He says with a sigh.

"What happened to your ex?" I ask before I was able to stop myself.

"Her partner was abusive so she ran away to me asking for help. I go to Venice to fix it so she can live there happily and in peace. She even offered me to give us a second chance but I declined cause this life style it's way too dangerous for her and with her baby sister is impossible. It's too dangerous." He says shaking his head.

"Don't you love her?" I ask.

"I thought I did but I don't think so." He says shaking his head. I nod.

"Give me a good news tell me you killed her abusive partner." I whisper.

"I did." He says. I nod with a smile.

"Clara are hiding something? Are you sure that's it? You seem a little off. Did they do more than that?" He says observing me. Clenching and unclenching his fist. I shake my head closing my eyes.

Can I go back to my childhood? When everything is fine? When I am playing in that beautiful street while my family are watching?

"Clara what's bothering you?" He asks.

My life, my existence. I sigh. Everything hurts right now specially breathing.

Funny how one small incident was enough for me to loose myself again. But that's life isn't it? We all have our ups and downs. I can have it too. Even though I am usually strong I can't always be and I wish others won't except me to be always strong either.

"Clara." He calls.

"I don't wanna talk about it." I whisper feeling the lump in my throat once again. I take a deep breath.

"What did they do to you?" He asks. The took the precious one leaving me all broken.

"I think I did this to myself. Yeah by killing all those people. Maybe this is my lesson." I whisper.

"Clara come on. Let it all..." He was saying but stopped.

"What's this?" He asks looking at the baby shoes. He grabs it. Staring at it. I close my eyes with a sigh.

"Clara are you pregnant?" He asks.

"Francesco..." I was about to protest but he cuts me off.

"Clara are you pregnant or not?" He yells.

"I was." I whisper closing my eyes.

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