Chapter 12: Rapist

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Tw: mature themes

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Tw: mature themes. Blood. Brutal Killing.

Clara's POV :

I get out of the room looking around. A guy lunches toward me, he is wearing a dark green uniform. I love it when they have uniforms cause it's easier to find them and kill them. I am sure they wear it to be able to distinguish themselves.

I wanted to remind them to say hi to my dad but unfortunately I don't want reveal myself. I don't know how many of them are around me.

I punch him in the throat and kick him in the face I take my gun out and shot him. Another one enters I shot him and hide behind the door.

Three guys entered. I shot them as fast possible from my hiding spot.

One of them has an m4. I take it. Adorable.

I rush out and hide under the stairs. I know I am not a camper but I enjoy surprising them. Four people rush in. I cam out from behind them.

"Say hello to my little friend." I say as I shower them with my bullets. I am so funny. Note the sarcasm.

I was walking around when I heard a scream I rush toward the kitchen. I notice a man towering over a girl which I assume is Francesco's sister. The guy didn't notice me. I didn't hesitate to shoot him.

"Are you alright?" I ask. She nods.

"Thank you." She says. I nod.

"You're bleeding." I point toward her arm.

"It's fine. The bullet past by it." She says.

"Seat here." I order handing him the dead guys gun.

I exit going upstairs. I notice a man in front of me. His back facing me. I break his neck from behind.

I make my way toward Francesco's office. I notice Matteo on the floor a man on top of him punching him. He was wearing a uniform. I recognized him. He is the don, his father is the mobboss Francesco is in the meeting with. So I was right.

This guy was on my soon to kill list. He raped a maid. An innocent girl and got away with it cause he was powerful. The girl couldn't take it anymore her parents threw her out. She committed suicide.

I shot his hand. Your karma is here bitch.

"You bitch." He growls noticing me. I smirk.

"The one and only." I say. He was about to reach for his weapon when Matteo kicks him in the face.

"No." I yell at him.

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