Chapter 29: Trouble

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Clara's POV:

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Clara's POV:

"Really?" I ask. Gulping.

"Yes. You young lady are in a big trouble. You have time to murder in downtown but no time to visit me?" He asks.

"But you're the busy one." I say looking down. Like a child being scowled.

"I always have time for you." He says with a smile. His smile is exactly like hers. Like my mothers. I smile at him.

"Sorry. I will visit you every month." I say smiling at him.

"You better." He says. I nod.

"How have you been?" He asks.

"Good how about you?" I ask.

"Good." He says with a nod.

"You were punishing me by making me wait right?" I ask he chuckles.

"Exactly." He says I roll my eyes with a smile.

"You're free to go." He says with a smile. I nod.

"You're the best uncle out there." I say with a smile.

"But don't go around getting in trouble." He warns. I nod immediately. He opens my hands. I hug him and soon take my leave.

Him and my grandfather basically owns the whole city. Yup city. My grandfather is a gangster he basically runs the city. The police some mobs.

So the cameras and everything won't be a problem to my uncle. My uncle works for justice and he is very serious in his job. The only person he's an exception for is me.

They all worship him for his job. He caught many criminals and killers.

They all have a soft spot for me. Him and my grandfather. Cause I didn't have anyone from my father's side and I lost my mother in such a young age. They love me. Saying that I am her memento.

After my father's tragic death they were there for me even when I told them I don't need them. Which was a lie.

"You're strong my daughter. Don't blame yourself for it. Not for her death nor his. You couldn't save any of them." My grandfather says hugging me.

"I miss them." I whisper. He nods.

"Me too." He says.

"Some blame me. Saying I killed him." I mumble.

"Give me their name and I will bring their heads on a silver plate for you." He says deadly serious. I gulp.

"If anyone or anything bothers you, come to me. I am always here for you. Me and your uncle." He says. I nod with a smile.

"Te amo." I say.

"Ti amo anch'io angelo." He says with a smile.

First when I was born he didn't like me or wanted to visit me. I saw him once in cemetery. But we had a bond when I ran away. I was hiding behind a tree near cemetery when he caught me. He bought me an ice cream and showed me his mansion. He said I could always join him that I could even live with him.

Laters I figured he has seen me some times when I was younger. Like three or four. I was with my mother. He told me he regrets not visiting me sooner. And soon he was like a best friend to me he and my uncle. After loosing my father they were all I have. I even lived with them for a while.

He is now in Spain for his new business. He is sixty three at the moment but looks way younger. He had my mother when he was sixteen. My grandma was sixteen as well. My grandfather was always supportive toward his family.

How much I miss him. If he was here I wouldn't need Francesco to kill my ex boss. My grandfather would do it for me.

After receiving my phone I realized I have miss call from Francesco. Oh shit my job. He just called once. He knows that one miss call of him is enough to know that I fucked up.

I call him back.

"Where the fuck are you?" He asks.

"Well hello to you too. Aren't you the most cheerful creature out there?" I ask sarcastically.

"WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU?" He asks again with a different tone.

"Umm I got arrested but everything is fine now. I am free. Walking back home." I say.

"Why you got arrested?" He asks.

"Massive murder in downtown." I mumble.

"Good job." He says sarcastically.

"Thanks." I say. He hangs up on me.

I was walking when I felt a car behind me. I turn around and thanks god is Francesco.

"Get in." He says. I didn't even hesitate. It's dark and I am tired from sitting there all day.

"Thank god. What are you doing here?" I ask.

"Going to my penthouse." He says. I nod. He is penthouse was in this way as I remember.

He was driving for five minutes when I noticed something.

"Did you notice? They are following us." I say looking threw the mirror.

"Shit." He says.

"Drive like a maniac till they loose us." I say and shrug as I lean back in my seat closing my eyes.

"I don't run away. We will fight them." He says.

"You will fight them." I say not opening my eyes.

"Yeah? What happened to I am Clara Aloisios and I will kill you all." He says. This time I opened my eyes glaring at him.

"Yes Clara Aloisios. Not the fucking Terminator. How can I fight them when I am not armed. Spit on them? I don't even have a knife. I am coming from the police station." I say rolling my eyes.

He opens the dashboard pointing to the guns. I nod picking one.

"There are four of them." I say. Seriously today that I am tired and have a headache. I sigh.

"Seriously? Just lost them. We are two. One and half more specifically." I say. He rolls his eyes.

He takes his gun out and shot a driver.

"See not that hard." He says. I glare at him. Fuck five motorcycles joined them. Francesco's fucking pride will kill us tonight. I grab the gun and shot one of the guys on the motorcycle. They are shooting as well. I shoot another guy on the motorcycle. And a driver.

"Let me drive." I say. He gives me suspicious look. We aren't in the town anymore. I seat on his lap driving he slide away from my underneath. One of them shoot the wheel so I did what I wanted to do. I turn the car toward the water. Didn't take long before we fall off the bridge into the water.

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