Chapter 24: Wounds

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Clara's POV:

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Clara's POV:

"Who?" Francesco sighs.

"My mother. She was so beautiful. A lady I might say. She didn't just loved me she adored me. Probably the only person who adores me." Because to her I was an angel. Cause I really once was an angel.

What am I doing? Talking about my family with him? He wasn't a good boss but maybe he's a good listener.

"Go on." He says taking a sip of his whiskey.

"I wasn't a good fighter back at then. You see I was training for five years and yet I was unable to save her." I chuckle.

"Five years is a good amount." He says.

"Yes but it wasn't enough to save her." I say.

"How old were you back at then?" He asks.

"Nine." I whisper.

"You were training since you were four?" He asks.

"I will turn her into a fighter. She will be my warrior. A demon." Her father said.

"No honey. I don't think that's a right thing to do." Her mother replied staring at her new born.

"Why not? If things go the way I want them to go she will be mob boss. A leader. Clara Aloisios the future queen." Her father said.

He wanted her to able to defend herself. To be able to survive this harsh world. He wasn't just a torturer he was a mob boss as well. So he needed to build his first born like himself.

But things didn't go as his plan.

"Yes how about you?" I ask.

"Since I was ten." He says. I nod.

"Don't take it all out on yourself. You were nine. I am sure if there was a situation you couldn't even save yourself let alone your mother." He says.

"And sibling." I whisper.

"Oh. She was..." He says I nod. He gulps down his drink.

"I wanted a sister but now that I think about it a brother was fine as well." I say.

"Let's go." He gets up coming by my side gesturing for me to get up.

"I can't." I say. I seriously can't. I am bruised. My body aches. I have wounds and on top of that I'm a little drunk.

He puts my hand around his neck helping me up.

He helps me seat in his car.

"Take me home." I say. He nods.

"Any way what do you want to talk about?" I ask.

"I wanted to. I don't want to anymore." He says.

"Come on I am sober enough for it try me." I say.

"About your resignation. My members are all busy and with the rat among us it's hard to find someone to do your task. So you better come back for at least a month till I replace you." He says.

"What do you think?" He asks after me being quiet for five minutes.

"The structure of DNA appears to be intelligently designed, what are the implications?" I ask.

"What?" He asks.

"If everything evolved from amoebas, how does the world still have amoebas?" I ask another question. He closes his eyes taking deep breaths.

We arrived after ten minutes. Finally.
He helps me out and to my house.

"Ok let me examine your wound." He says.

I am not going to have sex with him. I'm not going to have sex with him.
Dear Jesus Christ save me from this devil.

I am sitting on the toilet cabinet. While he is opening the cloth I wrapped around it.

"Fuck." He growls. I just stare at him.

"Clara this needs stitches." He says. I shrug.

"Take your pants off." He says. I gasp.

"How dare you?" I pretend to be offended.

"Clara come on I need to take a look at it." He says.

"You sir are no gentleman." I say taking my pants off. He rolls his eyes.

"Great. This one doesn't need stitches but it needs to get bandaged. You're lucky." He says.

"More like well trained." I say shrugging.

"I will take a shower." I say trying to get up from my place.

"No first stitches." He says. I nod. He takes the needle and starts stitching it up.

"Mom look at I am bleeding." She said gesturing to my new wound.

"What happened?" Her mother asked. The dagger fell and it was very sharp.

"I fell of my bike." She lied to her mother. Her mother looked at her suspiciously but didn't say anything. She just bandaged it.

"It hurts." She said.

"Honey this is nothing compared to the wounds that you're gonna experience and suffer from in the future they gonna hurt but more importantly they will teach you a lesson." Her mother replied.

"Done." Francesco says I nod.

Is he going to heal my wounds? No Clara there is only one person who can heal them and that's yourself but he can be there with you perhaps helping in the process. I am drunk and probably talking bullshit.

"Thanks." I say getting up going to shower. I stumble going straight to the wall.

"Come on." He says grabbing my arm leading me to the shower. He turns the water on, checking the temperature.

He rolls his sleeves up. I look down.
He showers me without taking the rest of my underwear off.

"Can you leave so I can take the rest off?" I ask.

"You know that I've seen you naked before." Hw says I nod.

"I am a religious person right now." I say. Lie. He scoffs.

"Ok. When you're done call me." He says I nod.

After ten minutes I was done. Like the independent woman I am, I decide to do it by myself. I wrap my towel around me but didn't make it so far before slipping. But I caught the toilet. Yay. I stand taking slow steps till I reached the door.

"Finally I made it." I say as I exit. I stumble a little and fall into a hard chest.

"Hi." I say. Patting his chest.

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