Chapter 23: Drunk?

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Clara's POV:

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Clara's POV:

I shoot the guy. Taking his gun. A guy comes, he stands at the beginning of the hallway. He starts shooting me I use the body of his friend as a shield. I shoot him five times till the beast falls. Oh and his bullets managed to damage my fucking leg as well.

I start walking toward the exit. I should've killed them all in that van. But at least I killed the boss.

I found the rest sitting together and eating together I shoot them all. I am glad they were distracted. I limp out. Fuck it hurts like a bitch.

I decided to walk home. I rip apart my shirt and wrap it around my arm and leg. I am wearing a sport bra. On my way home I noticed a bar.

I am feeling dizzy and harmed what I need to complete the package? Alcohol exactly. Did I mention I stole back my phone. They took it in the van but I stole it back when I killed them.

I enter the bar. Taking a seat and ordering a bottle of fucking Jack Daniel's. Ugh I hate it. Remember once I sarcastically told Matteo about my two friends? Well it seems it's not sarcasm anymore.

On my third glass, my phone starts ringing. I ignored it and it ringed through my forth glass. It's fucking Francesco.

"Ugh what?" I ask growling. Oops I could've turned it off.

"What's up with you?" He asks.

"I had a very great day." I say.

"Anyway I want to talk to you." He says.

"You aren't the first one. My first free time is in three months. Call my manager." I say and was about to hang up.

"Clara." He growls.

"What?" I ask.

"Is important." He says.

"The others said the same." I say.

"You're pissing me off." He growls.

"Then you better hang up." I say. Gulping another glass down.

"Where are you?" He asks.

"Ok you can call me tomorrow morning. I am busy at the moment." I say. I can hear him taking deep breaths.

"WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU?" He asks. He really thinks he is in a place to demand like this.

"Why not tomorrow?" I ask.

"Cause I am busy." He says.

"You see I am in a bar at the moment." I say.

"Which bar?" He asks.

"Umm a red and black door?" I suggest.

"Ok I got it I will be there." He says ending the call.

I am getting sleepy I had a hard day.

"Open the chains." Her father said.
He was teaching her how to escape in each situation. He started training her since she was four. He quoted now that I have a daughter I should train her as soon as possible. I don't want a fragile daughter. I want a leader.

But things got an harsh turn when he lost her pregnant wife and his nine years old daughter wasn't able to help her. "I trained you for five years ans this is what I get?" Then the torture began.

He would tie her to a chair make her watch things no child should ever see. He trained her every single day.

"But daddy I want to play." The little girl said pouting.

"Play? Play? You were playing when you lost your mother, now is time to train." He growls.

"But but..." She was about to start when he cut her off.

"The basement now." He hissed.

He did something that changed her forever. Blamed it on her. And little by little she believed it was her fault.

It was a fight between her father and Andrea her nanny and housekeeper. She would whisper sweet things to her telling her she was unable to do anything that she did the right thing by hiding with her that she isn't to blame but her father ruined all her efforts. It was a fight between the angel and the devil and in her case unfortunately the devil won.

"What the fuck?" Francesco growls seeing me.

"Well nice to meet you too. Miss me already?" I ask sarcastically.

"What the fuck happened to you?" He asks.

"Getting straight to the point now why don't you?" I say rolling my eyes.

"You're drunk aren't you?" He asks.

"No." I say shaking my head.

"What's that you're wearing?" He asks.

"Sports bra?" I suggest.

"Here." He says handing me his leather jacket. I shake my head.

"I am ok." I say.

"I am not." He says forcing me to wear it and them he zipped it up.

"Come on have a drink with me." I say giving him a glass of whiskey.

"Clara let's go." He say I shake my head.

I want my mother and sibling back. They deserved better.

"I want them back." I whisper. Putting my head on my arms.

"Clara I think we should go you need to take care of your wounds and rest." He says.

"Why do you care? I am not your employee anymore. RememberI resigned." I say.

"I want to talk to you but you're not sober enough." He growls. I shrug.

"Come on try me." I say.

"Ok about your resignation...." He was about to start but I cut him off.

"Oh I am so sober for this." I say growling. I gulp down another glass of whiskey.

"Clara." He sighs getting impatient.

"Clara mama loves you." Her mother said caressing her cheek.

"I love you too. I want to be you when I grow up." The six years old replied proudly.

"No Clara you will be someone way better and that's you yes yourself. One day you will be all grown up and I can't wait to see you reaching your dreams. Remember to always fight for your right, for your dreams and for everything you deserve and let me remind you darling that you deserve the best." She said.

She died three years later how ironic. Mom I am not better than you, I am your worst nightmare. I am a nightmare. But believe they turned me into one.

You never told me that I should fight father.

"Clara come on where are you? I've been calling you for a minute or so." Francesco sighs.

"I miss her terribly." I whisper.

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