Chapter 22: Taken

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Clara's POV:

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Clara's POV:

I was about to leave when he grabbed my wrist.

"Look I didn't..." He was about to start but I cut him off.

"It's ok. I resign. I am tired of this place anyways." I say but he stops me.

"You can't resign just like that you have a contract." He says. Both of my arms in his hands.

"Take me to the court for all I care." I say. Struggling to get out of his grip.
He's staring at my lips leaning in.
I lean back.

"Oh no don't. We don't want me to sleep with you so I can disobey you more now do we." I say trying to get out of his grip. He smells like alcohol. Great when did he drink? Before saving his sister or after?

"Clara I know we..." He was about to start when someone knocks.

"Francesco." Matteo says.

"Look who's here to join the party. Don't worry I am not gonna sleep with my boss. Ex boss I mean." I say sarcastically.

"Clara about that... Wait what do you mean by ex boss?" He asks confused.

"I resigned." I say. Francesco's grip loosened so I take the chance to get out of his grip and run away.


Well yesterday I resigned and I'm taking a month off. I am walking down the street when I felt a pressure on my neck. There is a tranquillizer  dart.

Great I've been drugged. They want to steal me then let it be. I don't even have an emergency contact. Fuck this I swayed a little. I seat waiting to pass out. Maybe I took it out a little too fast. Should I put it back in or pretend to pass out?

I go with the second one. Soon I was in a van.

"You got her." A voice says. Yes he did you dummy.

"Yes." Another one replies. Have you ever pretend to sleep when your mother walks in and you try very hard to not laugh? Well that's me.

"Be careful she is dangerous." One of them says. Awww thank you.

"This? This girl is dangerous?" Another one asks. I wanted to growl.

"Yup. She is a torturer." He replies.

Four they are four including the driver. They think four is enough to take me down? I am offended they didn't give me enough credit.

"When we're done with her she won't even be able to stand." The other guy says with a chuckle. I can kill them right here right now. But what's the point without knowing where they are from? I can torture the last one. But where's the fun in killing just four when I can kill them all?

He trails his hand down my body. He has a ring in his middle finger. The guy with ring in your middle finger you're officially fucked.

"You can have her when the boss is done with her. Patience." The other guy says. I guess he means I can have him after murdering his boss. Gee thanks. I will put him for the last like a fucking dessert.

"Oh I better." He says with a sadistic chuckle.

Maybe I should kill them and then force the driver to drive to his boss?
Five minutes. I will give them five minutes to drive me to our destination or else I will murder them right here.

And we arrived. They are lucky.

"Carry her." A guy orders the other starts carrying me on his shoulder. We were in when they placed me on a chair.

"Bring me a bucket of ice water to wake her." A new one says. The boss I assume.

"Sure boss." Yes definitely the boss.

"No need to bother I am wide awake. I was the whole way and I know were we are exactly. We are in the center of the city. First street on the left. Warehouse number five." I say opening my eyes and smirk. I count each turn from where they took me. I know this place better than the palm of my hand. I know exactly where I am.

They all look shocked and mad.

"You couldn't even put her to sleep properly." The boss growls. I find the guy with ring smirking at him. Say hi to my father I mouth. He is soon to go with what I did to him. He carried me here.

"Why am I here?" I ask. Trying to open my hands.

"You are wanted." He says.

"So?" I ask.

"I will give you to the one who's willing to pay more for you but not after getting all the informations I seek from you." He says with a smirk.

Ten. I only spot ten guys, they were all here to see me but the boss dismissed them. Anyway it means eight to go.

"Which are?" I ask referring to the informations.

"The mafias you worked in I want to know everything about them." He says.

"Well you see you understated me." I say with a pout.

"I poisoned the one who's carrying me I mea I injected him and threw one of my daggers at the guy behind us. I am Clara Aloisios a tough bitch." I say as I open my hands and throw another one of my daggers at the boss. He chokes on his blood cause the dagger hit his throat.

Seven to go but only two are in the room. These two are shocked so it won't be hard.

All my weapons were hidden in my pants and chest and combat boot. I take the chair and throw it at the other guy in the room.

Taking my gun out and shooting one of them. Someone punches my back I stumble. I turn around punching him in the face. A miracle he doesn't have a gun on him. I kick him in the chest and take my gun to shoot him. He falls. I turn looking around. No ones left. I examined the bodies they all have the same small triangle tattoo on their wrist.

I get out looking around. I see a guy aiming his gun at me. He shots I dodged but it scratched my arm. Fuck. It's bleeding. I need to get out as soon as possible.

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