•𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚜𝚒𝚡𝚝𝚢 𝚏𝚘𝚞𝚛•

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𝚕𝚊𝚜𝚝 𝚍𝚊𝚢

It's our last day in Venice and Grey and I have no plans.

Getting up my hair fell over my face and I shook it away.

I looked at Grey sleeping and was very quite. I've scared him in the past and I dont want to ever again. I'm not sure he'll open up about the incident because he hates even thinking about it.

The window by now is beaming as the sun is fully up and blinding. I opened the curtains slightly to let the sun in and laid back down.

"Good mornin." Grey lifted his head and said in a groggy voice.

"Morning!" I jumped up at the sight of him awake.

"How are you so energetic." He grabbed my side and hid behind my hair.

"Because it's our last day in Venice, and I want to make it count!" I excitedly said.

Lately Grey wakes up last as he stays up all night working. I've tried many times to drag him to bed, but he doesn't budge with work.

"Ok. Ok." His voice is raspy and sleepy.

Turning around my face is in his hair and I smell it's scent secretly. Yeah I'm a creep.

"I'm gonna make some breakfast." I get up and slip from under his hands.

I take a quick trip to the bathroom and brush my teeth before going into the kitchen. I prep my stuff by laying out all the ingredients. I'm making omelettes!

I take some eggs and ham we bought the other day and some cheese. I grease the pan and hear some stomps coming my way.

"What are you doing?" Grey comes up from behind me.

"I'm making waffles! No I'm not... but I am making omelettes!" I beam up. He doesn't laugh and I wonder if he got the joke.

"Don't cook for me, let's go out." He pulls my waist.

I ignore him completely and try to explain the joke. "Grey have you ever heard of Shrek?"

He nods.

"Have you Grey Jones, ever watched it?" I put my hands on my hips.

He shakes his head.

"Wha!" I start to freak out.

"Come on let's get dressed." He smacks my butt before leaving.


We ended up at an outdoor restaurant and sat as much as we could in the shade. There wasn't much so Grey forced me to sit in the shade, as Grey sat directly in the the sun.

He wore sunglasses to block the sun and squinted.

"are you sure you don't want to switch?" I began to lift my body up.

"Yes. Sit."

He sat there- very handsomely might I add- with a short sleeve shirt and shorts on. He wore some sneakers that he excitedly told me about. I have no clue what he was saying. I just liked the way his mouth moved and how his voice slightly got higher in excitement.

He sat reclined with those sunglass on, and If I wasn't in a public area I would kiss him over and over. I mean maybe more... but I'll keep it PG.

"Whatcha thinking about?" Grey caught me.


After breakfast we went on a walk and ended up at a little beach. It was sectioned off and peaceful.

"And then I saw a bird bully another one! A little birdy was sitting there and then this big ole mean one comes." I take a breather. "And you know what he does? You know what he does!"

"hm?" Grey hugs me closer.

"He ended up taking the little birdies branch! Like what a bully." I huffed out.

A switch in Grey set the mood serious and I looked up at him. His face looked slightly worried and his breath went un even.

"Violet." He stopped me.

He went in front of me and looked down at me as he slightly shifted.

"A conversation about a bird wasn't what I expected but I don't think I'd have it any other way." He chuckled. "Violet, I asked your dad before we left if I could have his blessing." He began to get on one knee.

My eyes widened and I looked down at him surprised.

"Will you make me the luckiest man in the world and marry me?" He opened up a box. In it held the most beautiful ring I've ever laid eyes on. It was all silver and had shining diamonds with a green center piece.

I love it.

"Yes! I- Wow." I shakily held my hand out. He slipped it on and like magic it fit.

I ran into his arms and pulled him to the sand. I might've gotten too carry away.

"Grey Jones! You know what this means?" I hold my ring out.

He lifted me up to sit with him on the sand and kissed my cheek.

"I'll be a Violet Jones."

"All mine." He kissed me more and I smiled.

Kissing him back I held my hands around his neck and kissed with so much love. And that's when I saw it. A smile. A true real smile!

His teeth shined like pearls and I made it a mission to see this smile forever and always.

the end

do not fret! this rly this rly isn't the end i'll just have bonus instead of more chapters :))


i hope this gave justice 😩 i think i just do things at a fast pace but IDK HOW NOT. i'm sorry.

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