•𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚎𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝𝚎𝚎𝚗•

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"N-no." I stutter.

I realize Grey halts from his conversation and looks over at me. Mason notices and turns his head towards me. To ease off of everyone looking at me I smile to cover up anything weird.

"I'm going to go to the washroom." I excuse myself.

Heading towards the area I swear I just saw Opal, I shake my head and decide I'm probably just tired. I did work an eight hour shift the day before. I enter the area and a see a hallway leading to the women's restroom. I mean it couldn't be her. She wouldn't be caught dead wearing something so tight. In high school all she wore was baggy clothing, the embodiment of a tomboy. So, a tight dress is a stark contrast to the Opal I know. Well, more like knew.

Although that was high school and a whole lot has changed as I can already see with Grey.

Walking slowly, I look at my feet thinking. I see a shadow come closer and lift my head. "You're not a very good liar." A whisper fills my ear. A warm breath fans over my neck and causes my whole body to shiver.

I turn around slowly and look up to none other than Grey Jones. His neck is hung lowly, and his head is in the crook of my neck. It makes me shiver.

"You know I would've believed you if you weren't so obvious." He smirks. I feel his lips slightly move up into a smirk as his cheek brush against my lower cheek.

He returns to his original height and looks down at me. He has that smirk and looks between my eyes telling me to spill.

"Eh-What are you talking about?" I try to play it cool.

Sure, I'm not the best liar, but out there was my best performance! How the heck could he see through it? I gave lovey dovey to the max.

"hm? What am I talking about Violet?" He looks up in a condescending way.

"You're weird." I try to insult him. "I'm not lying about dating Mason. He's, my boyfriend." I raise my eyebrow.

"Is he now?" His face leans down closer slowly.

I gulp slightly and nod. "Y-yup."

He comes closer and closer, and my body can't seem to move. Like I'm in some trance that he put me in. Even with his hands or casually in his front pockets he acts as if he's not just patronizing me and testing me. As if he has no feelings for what he's doing. Cool as a cucumber and no trace of any emotion.

Gosh I wish I could do that. I'm an entire mess.

Yeah, sure my feet are trapped, but my fingers are the complete opposite. Fidgeting in every other way. My breathing going from 'ok i'm fine' to 'please move feet!!!'. My eyes dart back and forth in his and his eyes stay still in mine. My bottom lip is being gnawed by my top teeth. While my eyebrows are slightly up due to looking up at him.

Moving closer his nose is practically touching mine making butterflies tug at my stomach. His eyes go from my eyes to my lips, and I look back at his. My lips part and let go of my bottom lip and my hands stop fidgeting. I take a sharp intake of air and slightly die.

"If you have a boyfriend, why do you react so easily?"

My face twitches in an aggravated way and my eyebrows go from soft to hard mean ones. I'm appalled. This boy thinks he's so suave. I'll show him. 

He smirks his boyish smile and keeps his hand in his pockets as he retracts to standing his full length. He rocks on the back of his feet never taking his eyes off of my angry face.

"You're such a-" Think of something mean. And fast. "An ass."

I did not just cuss.


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