•𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚝𝚑𝚛𝚒𝚝𝚢 𝚜𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚗•

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𝚜𝚞𝚌𝚑 𝚊 𝚝𝚎𝚊𝚜𝚎

He kissed my neck and then went down as he laid open kisses everywhere. He kissed me down to my thighs. He kissed my inner thigh causing me to jerk my leg.

"I'm realllyyy tired." I fake yawned.

AGH my lying when I'm nervous really needs to stop.

His kisses came closer and my toes curled. He noticed and held his hands on my wrists. My back arched in response and he looked up at me with his dazzling grey eyes. He will be the death of me.

"You ok there principessa?"

I realized my breath was all over the place and my legs couldn't stay still.

He kissed closer and I laid my head back getting ready for anything.

But then there was nothing.

I looked up confused and caught him smirking. "You said you were tired. So let's just go to bed then." He got up and left his hands lingering on my thigh. They traced down as he left.

I exhaled a little frustrated and looked away. "r-right." Gosh, I never knew Grey could be such a tease.

He entered his closet and exited with only shorts and no shirt. I covered my face with his pillow and pretended to be asleep.

Grey got in the bed swiftly and laid back on the headboard with his arms behind him. His muscles were out and bulging. He leaned his head back so thankfully he didn't see me gawking at him.

I averted my eyes just as he opened his eyes and I looked up at the ceiling.

"You know I was on a phone call with a very important trader when you decided to give me head." He side eye looked at me.

My eyes widen and I was a tiny bit scared he was mad. When he was on the call he hung up so soon, so...did the trader back out of the deal?

"That was so fucking hot." He surprised me by grabbing my body and pulling it toward his.

My body collided with his and my head was stuffed in his chest. I looked up at him and kissed him tenderly.

I moved my body up to put my hands on the side of his face and he kissed me back so powerfully. It was like explosions going off. His tongue made its way into my mouth and I deepened the kiss by moving my body closer. I swirled my tongue and he pulled away slightly.

I pulled away and tucked my head into his shoulder and smiled an embarrassingly big smile.

"Are you shy?" Grey asked confused. "V. You can not be shy by now." He laughed out.

It was so new still. And kissing or making the first move made me so embarrassed. I can't see his reaction after or else it would be too embarrassing.

"Can I sleep with you." I whispered in his ear. He slightly shivered and I noticed tiny bumps pop up on his skin.

"Of course sweetheart." He turned over and flicked the light off.

Call me a baby but the dark is a scary thing so I snuggled into his chest. He wrapped his big warm arms around me tightly and like that we were out.


I remember the first day I slept in the same bed with Grey. Of course we didn't do anything, but waking up was the best part. He was such a snuggler and had his entire body wrapped around me.

This time I woke up with no Grey. Instead a note took his place and I opened it.

Meeting with The Trader~ Grey.

I tossed it to the floor and got up and stretched. My body was so relaxed and felt amazing sleeping in that amazing bed last night.

In my apartment I used to sleep on a full sized bed. Of course it's not the smallest thing in the world, but the nights I would be restless in my sleep would scare me. I would wake up at the very very edge. Not with this bed though!

Slipping out of bed I made my way to my original room to get ready for the day.

"Hey V?" Jamie looked at me weird as I came down the stairs to the second floor.

"Hi!" I sprang towards her.

"So I guess you two are good?" She asked.

At that moment Madison jumped out of her room and said "Oh they are more than good." She winked.

My face blushed and I looked between them embarrassed. I dashed to my room as I was too embarrassed to say anything.


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