•𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚏𝚒𝚏𝚝𝚢•

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𝚙𝚛𝚘𝚝𝚎𝚌𝚝𝚎𝚍 𝚢𝚘𝚞

He got up from the wheelchair and went to the bed without my help, and I was so worried for him.

"Grey! You're so careless!" I ran over to him as he sat on the bed unbothered.

"bambina I'm fine." He huffed and laid back on the bed.

"I have to clean your cuts and bandages." I said flustered.

I grabbed the kit the nurses sent me home with and un-packed it. It was equipped with disinfecting wipes, fresh bandages and antibiotic creams.

"Ok, just lay back and let me clean them." I said a little annoyed.

He laid back and rolled his eyes with a huff. "they're all closed." Grey tried to convince himself.

He thinks he's some big shot who is fine with all these cuts, but I know that's not the truth. He swiftly brought his shirt off and showed all the dried bloody bandages and the cuts that were hidden.

"W-Why did they do this?" I asked while unwrapping a bandage on his arm.

He looked away aggravated as I tended to his wounds. I kept asking how and why he got them, but he refused to answering. Finally he snapped and said, "Violet! It's fucking over so drop it."

I was appalled. How can he be so rude while I'm helping him? "I'm helping you! And you don't want to talk about it?"

"I didn't ask for help." He began to raise his voice.

"You never want help. You never want to talk. Unless you want to!" I yelled. I was at my tipping point with him just brushing off everything.

"Because I don't! And I don't have to with you." He shot up.

That left me hurt but I fired back. I wasn't going to just sit here and listen to him yell at me. "You don't have to, but stop dismissing it. You always do that and- and it's fucking annoying!"

He head cocked in a scary way and his face scrunched in confusion. "This isn't about a little story is it? You're still mad about the 'spies'?"

I threw the antiseptic wipe at his bare chest and looked at him with wild eyes. "Yes! And I have every right to! Why would you make people my fake friend? That's crazy!!"

"Crazy to protect you?"

"Oh don't twist my words." I rolled my eyes.

Suddenly he grabbed two sides of my face and brought it down my face close to his. I was forced to look him straight in his eyes. I squirmed a little but knew that wouldn't help so I stopped.

"I protected you. All those creepy fucking guys? Mason scared them off. People who were after you because of me- they were distracted from you by Jamie, and then I had Mason beat the shit out them! It was all to protect you!"

I closed my eyes with so much rage and for no reason I came close to Grey and planted a kiss. Purely out of annoyance... but also because a little part of me missed him so much while he was gone.

It wasn't a soft kiss though and I think that caught him off guard. It was rough yet passionate and he didn't hesitate to respond.

He kissed me back and I almost melted. His arms went to my waist and lifted me to his lap and lifted his body to sit against the headboard.

Although he can be such an aggravating man, I sure did miss him.

My hands wrapped around his neck and I moved my body as I kissed him. Whatever it was, it felt good, so I continued to do that till Grey stopped my hips from moving.

"Violet. Keep doing that and I'll fuck you right now in a second."

I didn't want to stop so I continued and left trails of small kisses to his ear as I giggled.

um... hehe

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