•𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚏𝚘𝚞𝚛𝚝𝚎𝚎𝚗•

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Laying on the couch I scroll through my phone ready to leave.  The time ticked by painfully slow and flashed an annoying 12:30. Grey said he'd be here by noon, but there was no sign of him yet. I know he's probably just busy, so I won't bother him about it.

Two o'clock rolls around and I begin to become a little concerned about his where abouts. I gulp down some water and stop when I hear the elevator ding. Rushing to put the drink in the sink, I didn't want to intrude but I was thirsty. I hope he doesn't mind.

"V?" His voice asks. It's horse and sluggish.

I peak my head out and see his hair tussled and head hung.

"Hey." I smile at him.

He looks down at me with tired eyes and a slight smile. "Ready?" He asks.

"Grey ar-are you ok?" I look between his tired eyes.

"Yup. Long day. I have a headache." He covers up with a smile, but his eyes tell the entire story.

"How about you sit down. You look like you're about to pass out." I tug his arm towards the couch.

He shakes his head and yet still follows my tugging. Sitting him down I look at him and give a faint smile. "Let me get you some Advil."

I scurry to the bathroom and pray there is some Advil which there is. Grabbing two I grab a cup of water and carry it to him. Walking back to him I place them in his hand, and he gives me a small nod.

I want to cradle his face. Ask if he's truly ok. I want to make him feel better and ask what happened. But I don't know him anymore. He's not my boyfriend anymore. He most likely has his own life and didn't even think of me until he saw me in the alley.

After he takes his pills and drinks a bit of water, he looks up at me, and I can't help those dang butterflies I've felt ever since the day we meet. It's annoying and I can't stare away from him.

Without thinking I pull his face close to mine and push mine onto his softly. It's a sensation that immediately sends me to cloud nine. His lips move slowly and turn passionate as slips his hand into my hair and tugs. My mind has completely gone numb to any thought. He pulls away and bites my lip. He tugs on it making my head almost roll back. I pull back and look into his shocked eyes. Good brain, think for a minute. My mind goes back to the logical side and panics.

My eyes go wide, and he must think I'm a creep for kissing him out of nowhere.

"I-I'm sorry." I stare at him shocked. I shake my head trying to make my brain work but I'm not sure the screws are fully there, because I start stumbling over my words again. Except they're even worse.

"I-I h-ave a boyfriend." I rush out covering my red cheeks with my hands.

He looks at me with his wild eyes and his eyebrows move slightly at the word boyfriend.

I messed up.

I messed up bad.

"You have a boyfriend?" He questions looking at me.

"yup." I stare at him with the thinnest lipped smile I could muster.

My face turns completely tomato red. I replay the kiss over and over again. The tingling sensation the- GOSH what am I saying??

"You should meet him," My lies have always led me to trouble. Might as well dig my own grave out of the hole I'm digging myself in right now.

"I want to meet him." He looks at me with stone cold eyes.

I don't answer and nod once very fast.

"Ok. Double date." He agrees.

Double date?

He does have a girlfriend! I'm so stupid. I'm a home wrecker! OH NO. I'm a terrible person.

"Let's take you home." Grey gets up in the middle of my: i-hate-myself-so-much moment.

He towers over me and leads me to move by pushing slightly on the small of my back. It urges me forward and my feet move slowly.

Walking towards the elevator he waits for me to get in while I try to act as normal as possible. I can't possibly with thoughts of being a terrible person swirling around in my head.

"So, when should we have this double date?" Grey swings his keys around his pointer finger. He looks at me with such curiosity I'm so confused how nonchalant he is. Does he not realize he kissed me back while having a girlfriend? 

I mean what did I expect? For him to wait for me after four years? I have to show him that I have my own life! That I'm not totally helpless and I didn't spend my four years missing him and not getting over him.

The saddest part is that I didn't even try. Of course, I would go on dates, but my mind never stopped lingering on him. I talked to other guys and consistently compared them to Grey, their mannerisms, height, even their laugh! I was obsessed and couldn't for the life of me focus on anyone else.

So now I have to show him. For me and him. For closure.

But who do I ask?


hi hi i wanna say how much y'all reading my books me to me!! thank you so much 💕

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